19. X vs Launch Octopus

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X met Launch Octopus again for 110 years.

[Launch Octopus! How are you still alive?! I thought I destroyed you at the Subterranean base about 110 years ago!] - X

[Oh... that... I'll tell you how... After I kill all 4 of you!] - Octopus

After saying his word, Launch Octopus started to spin his body, started to cause a tornado around him and started to suck X, Chloe, Ina'nis, and Gura.

[Watch out! If you get caught by the tornado, Launch Octopus will drain your energy!] - X

"Oh yeah?! We'll see about that!" - Gura

However, Gura ignored X and she used her trident to make another tornado, causing both tornadoes to disappear.

[Impressive... Most impressive.] - Octopus

"And now I'll cook you into sushi!" - Gura

[No Gura wait!] - X

"Don't worry X san. We could handle this." - Ina'nis

[Oh. So you're approaching to me like a moth flying towards a fire.] - Octopus

As Gura rushed toward to Launch Octopus with her trident, Launch Octopus tried to grab her with his tentacle arms, but his four arms was tied by Ina'nis's tentacles.

[What?! How could it be?! I was designed as a shape of an octopus, so I could Defeat her easily! But why is this?!] - Octopus

Since Launch Octopus was octopus shaped reploid, he was superior to everything compared to a real octopus. But little he knew, Ina'nis's tentacles are actually a part of a Cthulhu, which means her tentacles belongs to gods of Cthulhu.

"Take this! SHAAAAAAAAAA!" - Gura

[Arrrrrgh! It hurts! How could I get hurt by a human!] - Octopus

[Gura! Out of the way! Now!] - X

"You got it X san!" - Gura

Thanks to her genmate, Gura stabbed her trident into Launch Octopus and after she retreat with making a damage to the maverick, X fired a weapon from his buster.

<Rolling Shield>

[Not this again?!] - Octopus

The blue sphere shaped energy hit Launch Octopus, causing him to be destroyed once again.

[This... isn't... a beautiful explosion...!!!] - Octopus

And finally, Launch Octopus was destroyed once again.

"We did it!" - Chloe

"Yeah!" - Gura

[...] - X

"Excuse me X san, are you alright?" - Ina'nis

[Wha... Yes, I'm alright. I'll explain later went we get back.] - X

As Chloe went up to tell Marine and Aqua that the mission is over, Marine and Aqua dropped a chain so X, Chloe, Gura, and Ina'nis to board on Marine's ship and the six returned to Hololive agency building. After returning, Marine and Aqua ask X about Launch Octopus.

"So X san, do you know about that Launch Octopus guy that Chloe, Gura, and Ina encountered?" - Marine

"And also according to those three... They say that it used the same fish missile which you use..." - Aqua

[Well, it all goes back to 110 years ago in my dimension.] - X

And then X started to tell what happened between him and Launch Octopus.

During the Rebellion of Sigma, X was tasked to retake the Subterranean base under the sea which isn't that far from the HQ. As X dived into the ocean and destroying some mavericks, he met Launch Octopus and defeated him by using a Utuboros nearby, but then he was attacked by a stolen Cruiziler, a battleship mechaniloid from the 6th Armada which Launch Octopus steal when he betrayed the maverick hunters. 

Fortunately X destroyed the Cruiziler and discovered that the Launch Octopus he destroyed before was actually a copy, so he found the real one and destroyed him, along with getting a weapon chip of Homing Torpedo from Launch Octopus's destroyed body.

[After that, I met him the third time at the Sigma palace. This time he was the same as the first one I destroyed. A body of him with a different personality.] - X

"Is that important? I mean the different personality." - Marine

[It is. If it is just reviving a body of a dead reploid, it is possible if you have the material, blueprints, and the factory. But if reviving 100%, you need that reploid's control chip, which contains the information about that reploid, such as personality.] - X

"So, is that Octopus guy you encountered with Gura chan, Ina chan, and Chloe chan the same thing like the first time and the third time you fought?" - Aqua

[No. It was same as the second time I encountered him. But... that's actually impossible. I destroyed his control chip when I fought him the second time and it is impossible to create the same control chip of a reploid with the technology of my dimension.] - X

"So that means..." - Aqua

"Someone's behind this." - Marine

Author's note: The section when X destroying Launch Octopus with Utuboros is a reference from Mega Man X3 opening from PlayStation versions and Sega Saturn versions.

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