20. A Dragoon inside the volcano(+an important announcement from the author)

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These days, the Hololive agency is facing a new threat called maverick: a criminal reploid from X's dimension. Thanks to X, who actually killed them once so he has the data of the mavericks and handed them to Hololive, Hololive members and X aren't having a big problem fighting them. However, two things are mysterious. One, how could the mavericks are completely revived. Two, who is behind this. The former is unknown, but the latter will be answered today.

"X san, this is Friend-A. You have a mission to deal with." - A chan

[How important is it?] - X

"Well, we located a maverick signal inside the Mount Fuji." - A chan

[Mount Fuji?! Isn't that an active volcano?!] - X

"It is. Originally Takanashi Kiara was assigned for this mission, but she got a mission at Austria, where she lives, so you're the only one who is fit for this mission." - A chan

[Got it. So, are you going to use a warp portal to get there?] - X

"Wish we could, but unfortunately no. Instead, Coco chan will help you get inside Mount Fuji." - A chan

[Kiryu Coco? How?] - X

"It's simple. I transform into a dragon, grab you, fly to the top of the mountain, and drop you." - Coco

As A chan was explaining X about the mission, Coco joined the conversation and explained how it works to X.

[Okay... Worth trying.] - X

"Excellent!" - Coco

"Alright, opening the warp portal!" - A chan

A chan opened the warp portal and Coco and X got into it. As they arrived in front of Mount Fuji, Coco transformed into a dragon and X hopped on her back.

[I'm ready!] - X

Coco flew high up to the sky and as she reached the top of the mountain, X jumped of from her.

[I'm going in! See you later!] - X

"Good luck!" - Coco

As X sky dived into the volcano and got inside, he started to search the maverick.

[I'm wondering who could it be this time. Is it Flame Stag, Magma Dragoon, or Burn Dinorex?] - X

[So, you finally showed up.] - ???

Suddenly, someone said something.

[That voice...! It's you! Magma Dragoon!] - X

As X called out his name, Magma Dragoon jumped out of the lava.

[At last, we meet again X.] - Dragoon

[Just as I expected. Let me guess. You want to fight me to the death. Like the last time me and Zero fought against you.] - X

As X questioned Magma Dragoon, he changed his left hand into X buster and held a Z saber on his right hand.

[That saber... it means Zero has fallen... I was expecting a rematch with both of you.] - Dragoon

Dragoon asked if Zero is dead, and X responded it as yes with a silence.

[Enough talk. Who's behind you. No, who's behind all of the recently revived mavericks?!] - X

[I'll tell you. But you will have to defeat me first! Like the last time I died at the volcano!] - Dragoon

Dragoon clenched his fists while X was charging his buster and turned on the saber.

[Hit me with all you got X! Let's fight to the death! Once more!] - Dragoon

[Enough with your bullshit you maverick! You're going down just as 105 years ago!] - X

Then, Magma Dragoon shot Hadoken from his hand and X fired a charge shot, only to start the death match between the dragon vs the Mega Man.


Hi, this is the author of this fan fiction. Before I begin this announcement, I would like to say thanks to...

@captnyoyo : for voting some of the episodes of this fan fiction

@kirbydragon : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@darioh3o : for voting to some of the episodes of this fan fiction and following me

@DrakeRaiden : for voting to some of the episodes of this fan fiction and leaving the one and only comment of this fan fiction

@Silverlionking : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@FeivelTheLoyalty : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@KamenRiderMarchosias : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@DanielLuna486 : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@CaroleBaskin8 : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@Fubukami : for adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@SilverClawZX : for voting to some of the episodes of this fan fiction and adding this fan fiction to one of your reading lists

@77xxcc354 : for voting to some of the episodes of this fan fiction

@Timun114 : for following me

@GGN100 : for following me

... and many others who have read this fan fiction.

Now, here is the main announcement. About three or four episodes are remaining to finish the first season of this fan fiction. Until I upload the last episode of the first season, I will be recruiting some Original Characters, so called as OCs from anyone who reads this fan fiction by comments. The reason I'm doing this thing is because of the second season of this fan fiction. The second season starts with a group of maverick hunters ran into the Hololive's dimension and runs into the 'legendary hero' Mega Man X. Because of this storyline, at first I tried to create my own OCs, but while writing the basics of the storyline and uploading the episodes on Wattpad, I thought I should give a chance to sign up to submit the OCs for those who reads this fan fiction would be a good idea too.

If you are thinking of signing up, here's the form.





Ability(No magics or supernatural powers. Science only.)








- Do not add the maverick hunter ranks. All OC's maverick hunter ranks are B. Because of this, the OC should not be stronger than Mega Man X

- The OC's job is a maverick hunter, so the OC is basically a reploid. You can't change your OC's species.

- One person per one OC

- Write the sign up forms in English.

- Due date:until I upload the last episode of the first season.

- Update in 2022.12.6: Added specific condition on Ability.

- Update in 2022.12.18: Season 1 is done! No more recruiting!

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