24. Truth Revealed(3)

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After watching the story of the great Repliforce wars, they are now watching what happened during the space colony incident.

"Wait, is there some space colony now in your dimension?" - Matsuri

[Currently, there are more than 20 I guess. Besides, yesterday before I went to this world, I heard that there's a plan to create a city in moon.] - X

"Anyways, let's begin!" - Koyori

"X san, will you comment some events this time too?" - Lui

[Hmm... Hakui Koyori, which part of my memory was fabricated?] - X

"After killing Sigma." - Koyori

[Okay, then I'll be interpreting until Zero and I kill Sigma once and for all.] - X

"So, begin!" - AZKi

The scene begins with X on a destroyed highway. Alia contacts with X.

[since both of you are at the exact opposite direction, the best idea is to attack Sigma in both side. He's around somewhere at the Statue of Liberty. Head there first.] - Alia

[[Got it!]] - X & Zero

[So Zero and I started to made our ways to Statue of Liberty. Zero went to face Sigma first, but lost contact for few minutes. So, I went to the location where Zero last contacted with Alia.] - X

As X went to the place where Zero contacted Alia last time, Zero appeared with fighting Sigma's head.

[Heheheh... It's been awhile X.] - Sigma

[You don't know when to give up Sigma?!] - X

And X & Zero vs Sigma head began. This battle ended quickly and Sigma head was destroyed by X's plasma charge shot. However...

[I should have known that it was Sigma's trap.] - X

"Why? You destroyed him?" - Watame

[Actually, that was a trigger. Sigma's destruction was a sign for spreading Sigma virus all around the globe.] - X

"Reploid version pandemic?" - Kanata

[Exactly. But something more worse happened together. The space colony Eurasia started to fall.] - X

"So its like reploid version pandemic + post apocalypse?" - La+

[Yes. Back then we had only 16 hours left to destroy Eurasia.] - X

"Wait, there were people and reploids? What happened to them?" - Flare

"Flare...? It says they lost contact." - Noel

"Oh..." - Flare

[So, we had 2 things to stop it. Enigma and space shuttle. The first thing we did was the Enigma: a gigantic particle cannon. However, it was required to be repaired and need four extra parts too.] - X

[And where will you get them? Let me guess...] - Roboco

"Roboco chan? Signas is saying on screen." - Sora

[In order to repair Enigma... I'm afraid not we need to get them from outside maverick hunter base HQ. Alia?] - Signas

[Yes commander.] - Alia

Alia opened hologram globe and started explaining.

[The Orichalcum crystal should be acquired from Crescent Grizzly, the illegal weapon seller.] - Alia

[Crescent Grizzly... I'll go there then. I have some unfinished business with him.] - Zero

[Okay. The next is an energy cartridge. It's at an energy engineering institute. Fortunately, ex-maverick hunter Volt Kraken it there. If we're lucky, he could give this for free. Third is laser device. We need it from Shining Firefly, the well-known laser engineering professor. Finally, a large amount of hydrogen. We need an ocean and a manufacturing machine to create the amount of hydrogen to operate Enigma. We need to lend that from Tidal Whale's marine guard.] - Alia

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