29. B-4

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It has been 3 months since Mega Man X, the legendary maverick hunter has been missing. For the first 3 weeks, mavericks didn't knew this information because the hunters have been keeping this as a top secret. But as they discovered the secret, more maverick crimes occur, day by day, week by week, and month by month.

[This is squad C-102! We need reinforcements! I repeat! We need reinforcements!] - Hunter 1

At an urban district, a squad of maverick hunters are being defeated by a single maverick.

[I'm getting really bored! Let's end this!] - Maverick 1

[Watch out! EMP weapon!] - Hunter 2

Due to an EMP weapon, that squad was completely destroyed.

[Ha! C rank hunters are too bor... Ack!] - Maverick 1

[Gotcha! This is Stella Insomnis from squad B-4. I just take that maverick out.] - Stella

Fortunately, another squad just killed that maverick.

Aside from the story, I'll tell you about the current system of maverick hunters. There are 7 ranks among the hunters starting from D rank, the lowest rank to SSS rank, the highest rank. Originally X was the one and only SSS rank hunter, but since he's in another dimension, now there isn't any SSS rank hunter. Next we have SS ranks, now they are the strongest hunters. Only 8 hunters are the SS rank hunters. Then we have 81 S rank hunters, 594 A rank hunters, 1188 B ranks, 2376 C ranks, and finally 4752 D ranks. From some of the S rank hunters to every D rank hunters, they should consist a squad of 9 maverick hunters with same ranks. But this wasn't enough for currently increasing maverick crimes. Some even say that the hunter HQ should revive the former system: the 18 units, starting from the 0th special unit to the 17th elite unit.

That's enough for you readers should know, and let's get back to the story. We'll be mainly focusing on squad B-4: a squad consisted of 9 B rank hunters.

[...] - Stella

[Stella, are you alright? You've been that mood for 3 months.] - Umaki

[He's right. Are you sure that you can do well on your experiments in this condition?] - Glen

[Nah... I'm fine squad leader. Now, please step backward you two. I'm really serious.] - Stella

[Are you kidding me? The last time, you almost set a fire in the base! Thanks to Fahren over there, we almost burned to the ground all thanks to you!] - Zak

[He's right! And you know what? Because of that, Glen and I had to write that boring written apologies! That was the thing happened only 5 days ago!] - Fahren

[Oh that one? I thought it happened a week ago?] - Stella

[What did you say you...!] - Fahren

[That's enough Fahren! You're too loud!] - Shin

[Yeah! You don't know how to speak quietly?!] - Deca

[Why me?! If he didn't do his experiments with some mavericks, or at least he do that in a fine condition, I don't need to be this mad!] - Fahren

[Fahren, you're the most loud reploid here. So please be quiet. You're making me annoyed.] - Lux

[Okay blonde. Is that what you want?] - Fahren

[Guys... Stop fighting each other  please! We're a team!] - Midori

[Wish I hope so Midori... I guess I shall advise both Fahren and Stella about taking a mental counseling.] - Glen

Currently, they aren't going well. But to make thing worse, Stella Insomnis, the starry blue sniper of the squad just made a little mistake.

[Ummm... guys...?] - Zak

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