17. X in streams

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After the battle with the Council, X was recommended that he should appear on live streams of Hololive members, so he started appearing in other Hololive members' streams. For example...

"Wow, you're really good at it X san." - Botan

[My original job was similar to what the characters in this game does. Did you forget Shishiro Botan?]

"Oops, I forgot." - Botan

Chat 1: How does a combat police plays a FPS game.

Chat 2: X san he's a pro!

Chat 3: A.I. game playing(legal)

Chat 4: True High spec

Playing a FPS game with Botan,

"So, are you sure you could handle my grip?" - Kanata

[Of course. Do it a try Amane Kanata.]

Chat 5: Can our gorilla could do it?

Chat 6: C'm on chats, it's just a meme. She can't do it IRL.

Chat 7: If she does, then we're all doomed

Kanata grabbed X's arm hard and tried to crush it, but nothing happened to X.

[Well, all systems are fine.]

"What?! But it was my full power?!" - Kanata

Chat 8: X did it!

Chat 6: Congrats X. You're the only Hololive member who escaped from it.

Chat 9: Dude, X is a staff member.

Chat 6: Whatever. He's works at Hololive too.

Chat 5: Told ya. It's just a meme.

Appearing a t Kanata's stream as a guest,

"Hmm... X, are you sure is this your drawing?" - Marine

 [Well yes?]

"A kindergarten student could do this too." - Marine

[I told you Houshou Marine. I'm not good at drawing something.]

"But that's not bad either. Just average." - Marine

[Is that a compliment?]


Being judged by Marine with his drawing skills,

[So, how is it done?]

"Let me taste it. Hmm..." - Lui

Chat 10: So, how does it tastes?

"It doesn't tastes bad but, I think you're just imitating the action." - Lui

[Well, I'm not a cook so I just followed the manual.]

"Cooking isn't just imitating a recipe X san. It's actually done with honesty." -Choco

[Got it.]

"But that doesn't means that you didn't do well. You did well X san." - Lui

and Learning how to cook with Choc and Lui.

[Thanks Takane Lui. Oh by the way, how is Hakui Koyori doing with decoding my black boxes?]

"Maybe it will be done by... about 2 weeks later? She has to do her streams too." - Lui

[Oh I forgot about that.]

"Besides, I heard from Iroha chan that she's very enthusiastic about your creator, who is still unknown." - Lui

Chat 11: Do you know who's your creator X san?

[My creator? I don't know but maybe I could guess roughly who built me.]

"Who do you think that person is?" - Choco

[I'm not sure, but his name is Thomas Right. I never met him IRL, but surprisingly, he knows where I am, what situation I'm now facing and gives an armor part from a capsule, which is actually a mystery to me. Think, how could a capsule appear inside a recently built tank or a cyberspace which is heavily guarded?]

(Author: Yeah, I'm really suspicious about that too.)

"Hmm... maybe he's already dead, but transferred his soul into a program and watches over you?" - Choco

[Is that even possible Yuzuki Choco? The technology in my dimension hasn't reached to that level yet.]

"Hmm... then what about an A.I.?" - Lui

[You mean an artificial intelligence?]

"Before he passed away, he made an A.I. of himself and that A.I. made your power ups I guess?" - Lui

[Hmm... that... could be possible but we don't know what's true.]

"Right, anyways, let's get back to stream!" - Choco

Author's note: I'm back with a new chapter!

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