0. The story begins...

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On a unknown desert, big mechaniloid fell onto the ground and one reploid was standing motionless. The reploid looks like a human wearing a blue armor. His right hand changed into a buster. The reploid stepped forward to that mechaniloid. As the reploid stopped, he raised his right arm and shot five shots at the mechaniloid. After five shots, the mechaniloid was completely destroyed.


The reploid was motionless. His name is X. The hero who ended the evil maverick Sigma and his fellow mavericks. After the space colony incident, Sigma was destroyed with the sacrifice of another hero, Zero.

But was it a happy ending for him?

After Sigma was gone and the maverick wars are over, still mavericks were causing trouble all across the globe. And X fights against them with his friends. For the first 30 years, he could fight on because his friends were with him. But after then, one by one, his friends were either retired from the maverick hunters or died during the mission. Then, for the rest of the 70 years, unfamiliar with his new comrades, higher ups, and rookies, X's mind was completely devastated. He forgot how to cry, or in his words, his coolant didn't drop from his eyes. Only the ranks, the badges, the honors, the glories, and his feeling of guilty. Now, he is the strongest and has the highest rank, SSS rank maverick hunter, the one and only in the maverick hunters.

On a one mission, he was dispatched to a mission to destroy a maverick. Now, he is in a final phase of a fight against that maverick.

[I can't defeat this bug! Guess I'll have to self explode, along with this factory!]

[No ways. Ultimate armor activated!]

As the maverick tries to self explode, X changed his armor into his ultimate armor and used the giga attack of the ultimate armor, Nova strike.

Then, there was a big explosion and both X and the maverick was no where to be found on Earth.




But on a different Earth.

Author's note: In this fanfiction, the event of Megaman X5, space colony was completely destroyed and Sigma and Zero died. Which means The story doesn't continues to Megaman X6, X7, X8, Megaman Zero series and so on. This fanfiction sets time 100 years after Megaman X5.

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