Chapter forty

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Emma cried next to his room, she was shattered to a million pieces. After a while of nothing but pain she managed to collect the pieces up and walk out of the hospital. She made her way to the car and drove away. She watched the speedometer run across the numbers as she watched the buildings disappear in her rearview mirror.

This is a game of monsters

If that's what it takes to win, then so be it.

She knew if she could do anything, she could win. She had to win the game; even if that meant getting her hands dirty.

Emma arrived at her house. She pressed the handle on the front door and slammed the door shut behind her. She heard the hinges rattle in response but she didn't care.

Only thing she noticed was the odd silence that filled the halls. She pulled out her phone to see one new message from her mom.

Mom: We're staying at your Aunt's house tonight, take care.

She went up the stairs and with every step she took she was reminded of the disaster her life has been. One disaster after another.

Step, Andrew.
Step, Shawn.
Step, Lena.
Step, Markus.
Step, Jenny.
Step, Tom.

Every step she took filled her with more sarrow than she could bare.

Step, Connor
Step, Aquilla

The last two steps filled her with enough anger to break through the thin line between sanity and insanity.

She looked at her phone again in pure anger as she saw the unopened messages.

It was like a pathetic threat from Connor.

She knew he was gonna come for her, and she knew that she wasn't going to give that psycho the satisfaction he lives on.

She changed out of the dress she hoped would be the beginning of something new; Only for it to turn to a reminder that the o ne constant thing in her life is gone. She grabbed her black jeans and white hoodie, the ones she wore the day it all began.

She went down the stairs to her father's office. She opened the wide doors and walked towards the shining brown desk.

Her fingers lingered onto the wood, she allowed herself to sense the smooth surface. She allowed herself to feel something other than constant pain.

She shuffled through the desk drawers until she finally found what she shifted through the drawer for.

She grabbed the large leather journal and a pen from the pencil holder on the edge of the desk.

She opened the journal and gripped onto the pen in her hand. She pulled back the sleeves of her hoodie and scribbled away. She wrote everything that happened in the past two months. Every tragedy, every heartbreak, every soul lost without a chance of proper survival.

After hours of journaling, Emma felt a warm beam tickling her naked arms, the sun was peeking out of the skyline. She didn't realize how long she's been writing for, and just then she heard the front crack open.

Emma got off her seat and closed the curtains behind her. She went from a flood of different emotions to just one; rage.

She sat on the chair as she heard the footsteps creep closer to the office door.

"I know you're there," Emma yelled. She held onto father's gun, she felt its weight in her palm, heavy but pleasant, almost like it belonged there.

"Come in." The door swung open revealing Connor behind the door in a slim black leather jacket. Those piercing blue eyes made the fire in her heart burn brighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2023 ⏰

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