Chapter Eight

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"Are you sure you want to go back to your apartment now?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, I am," Jenny said. "I can't let what happened change my life, all I can do is live with it," She added.

"Gosh, you're so brave," he paused. "I wish I could take you in my arms and"

"And carry me home," Jenny interrupted Shawn.

"Yeah, that and"

"Buy me some chocolate so something good can happen today," Jenny interrupted again with a smile on her face.

"Should I even give it another shot?" He asked sarcastically.

"Nope." She giggled in the chair beside him. After a long drive, and a single stop to buy chocolate; they reached Jenny's apartment.
"You have reached your destination," Shawn said sarcastically.

"Yeah, this was a quick ride," Jenny said with a mouthful of chocolate.

"Yeah, I still want you to come back with me, the offer is still up." He reassured her with a smile. It's moments like these when she remembers how much she loves him.

God he's beautiful. She thought to herself, unable to break from his gaze.

"See you tomorrow, ocean eyes," she said with a smile on her face.
"See ya," he said. She got out of the car, and closed the door behind her, she walked towards the building door and swung it open. Of course, she couldn't close it before sneaking one last look at her man before closing the building's front door.
Jenny walked in the elevator and pressed the fifth floor; she shut her eyes and took a deep breath as the elevator doors closed shut.

She was too worried, too scared, but somehow managed to keep it together better than everyone else in her friend group. She was strong, too prideful to show her emotions.

"Fear has no place here," She muttered over and over again. That sentence was the one thing that always calmed her down when she was scared ever since she was a kid.

fifth floor, the elevator's speakers were her queue to finally open her eyes and face the rest of the day.

She walked out of the elevator to her apartment door.
"KATY, I AM BACK!" She swung the door open.

"ALL HAIL QUEEN!" She heard a voice coming from the kitchen. Katy has been Jenny's friend since they were six. they always stayed at each other's houses, every weekend you'd find one of them at the others house. They both knew each other to the point that they could tell what the other was thinking just by looking at them. And just when everyone around them said college would break up their friendship, they decided to work a way around that. they applied at the same colleges and universities in every city they ever dreamed to go to.

Eventually one of these universities accepted them both. That's when they decided they'd make the situation even better by becoming roommates. "So, tell me," Katy paused, "how wild was staying with your boyfriend!!" She yelled.

"WE HAVE NEIGHBORS LOWER YOUR VOICE," Jenny yelled back as both of them laughed.

"Go change," Katy said. "I am cooking us food, the dish doesn't have a name, but you'll eat it and you'll love it," She continued.

"Bet." Jenny laughed; she left her phone on the counter on her way inside. She changed out of her jeans and top into a pair of baggy sweatpants and her favorite tshirt.

"The food actually smells good," Jenny yelled as she put her jeans on the bed. Her comment was met with silence, which was weird since Katy always had something to say.

"Kat?" She yelled out, again, met with silence. Jenny stayed quiet for a second until she heard a muffled whisper at her door. She knew Katy would try to scare her, it was her tradition.

"Katy, I can hear you," Jenny said. "You really need to learn how to stop laughing when you're trying to scare someone." Jenny opened her door, only to see what she feared become reality.

Katy was standing at Jenny's door, however, this time, unlike every other time, Katy's skin was pale... too pale.

"Katy?" Jenny's voice faded away; her eyes watered as she saw the huge knife in Katy's h and.

"Five." Katy had a grin on her face. "Four." Jenny took a few steps back. "Three." Katy's neck shook rapidly. "Two." Katy looked at the room.
"One," Katy said in a gravelly voice.

"Nice to finally meet you, Jenny," Aquilla said with a devilish smirk


A small chapter cuz I felt like it 😁

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