Chapter Seven

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"One, one, where is the last bullet." Emma heard through the wooden door.

She let out a sigh of relief before she opened the door "This one?" She showed him the bullet she found outside.

She stood at the doorway with the silver cartridge between her fingers, needless to say, she was disappointed in her father.
"What do you have bullets for?" She asked calmly
"I bought a gun." He pulled a revolver from the small box sitting in his lap.

"A gun!" She couldn't keep herself calm, he knows a child lives in this house. Emma knew that the gun in the palm of his hand was nothing but a disaster waiting to happen.
"Mom would freak out if she knew you had this." She walked in the office and shut the door behind her.

She put the bullet on his desk waiting for him to explain his logic.

"Look sweetie." He gently placed the last bullet in its chamber and put it in his drawer. "It's not safe out there, and it's only a matter of time before the danger reaches our home," He defended his idea, he believed this was the best way to keep his family safe.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can just bring the danger to our home," She argued.

"Come on give me one reason why this is a bad idea,"

"You have six of them inside a revolver." She pointed out the obvious.

"Look, we can keep arguing like this all day, nothing will change my mind about this," he paused, "I'm doing this for Elli."

"That's exactly why" Before Emma could continue her sentence, her phone vibrated in her pocket.

Incoming call from

"I guess you have somewhere to be?" Her father asked.

"Yeah, I do." She took one last look at the drawer "We're definitely going to talk about this," She said on her way out of her dad's office.

The second she opened her front door Shawn honked twice, that was more than enough to grab her attention.

"Coming," She yelled out. Emma looked at the car only to see Jenny in the front seat next to Shawn, per usual.

"Hello." She got in the car. "Any idea why Markus is dragging us out there?" Jenny asked, clearly annoyed.

"I'm doing alright thank you for asking." Emma said sarcastically. Only to be met by a glare from Jenny

"No, I have no idea," She continued.

"It has to be important if he suggested we go back there," Shawn said. "Knowing Markus, he'd rather be shielding his house with a priest, minister and a rabbi all at once," He added.
Shawn was also met by a glare from both Emma and Jenny.

After a few cheesy love lines thrown by Shawn to comfort Jenny, they finally arrived.

Emma left the car first, she let out a loud grunt. "I'm never getting in a car with you love birds ever again." She shut the door before they all walked to where it all started. It didn't take long till they heard the muffled voices of Markus and Tom in the distance.

"You didn't tell anyone about this? Even Emma?" Emma overheard Markus yelling.
"I couldn't, alright... I can't," She heard Tom's voice.

"Can't what?" Emma asked as she popped out of the woods. Tom looked at her, flustered, as if he saw a ghost.

"Where's Lena?" Jenny asked.

"She's right over there." Markus pointed at Lena.
She sat over the hole where they buried the Ouija board.

"Can't what?" Emma whispered to Tom as she came closer to him.

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