Chapter thirty-nine

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"Awwww," He broke the silence. "Miss me?" Aquilla asked.

"Leave us the hell alone!" She blurted as she tried to pull her hand away.

"Am I interrupting a moment here? Pretty sure I am but who cares really, your relationship was... forced." He rolled his eyes.

"Tommy isn't feeling sick, is he?" The demon put his hands on his knees as he said. He tilted his head to the side and gave them a fake smile.

"Leave him alone," Emma tried to guard him like he always guarded her.

"Emma, you know better," Aquilla snapped his fingers. She tried to yell once again, but nothing came out. She touched her mouth with her free hand, only problem is, it wasn't there. Instead of a pair of lips, all she could find was firm skin. She panicked and felt yet another scream choke her.

"I'm here for him anyways." He smirked. "Now it's just you, and I," The demon run his hand in Tom's curls.

"What's your weapon this time? Tom asked. "The poison in your blood." Aquilla looked at Emma's pale hand on Tom's chest.

"You have a choice," Aquilla whispered. "Either I kill you, or let her take her hand away, thus burning her alive." Aquilla smiled as he saw their eyes sparkle.

If she could speak, she'd beg him to let her take her hand away, she'd beg Tom to live. Even if he wasn't sick, he'd refuse her offer, he'd rather let the whole world burn before letting her go.

He held the human part of her arm, she looked at him and saw his intention in his eyes. She shook her head, she couldn't speak but he understood the look in her eyes, just like he always did.

Please don't. Her eyes screamed.

I'm dead either way. A tear fell across his cheeks.

"You can win this, I can't." He gave her a warm smile. She pressed her head against his own and shook it once more, her tears fell like a rapid waterfall.

Please don't, please don't leave me.

He looked at Aquilla and nodded in defeat. Aquilla lifted his fingers one by one slowly as he watched Emma  twitch with each finger. The sound of the monitor that was on Tom's bedside  grew louder and louder. The pain in Emma's eyes may have been silent, but it ached every bone in her body

Tom's body shook rapidly as the cancer cells started spreading a million times faster than it did before. Even though he was in pain, he felt peace, a gentle smile grew on his face as he looked into her eyes. The monitor next to Tom peeped as one long flat line appeared on the screen. Emma collapsed in tears over his pale skin as she finally felt hers once more. Her tears ran over his cold body.

the medical team ran in the room as an attempt to save him, not knowing that was far beyond any help they can offer.

Emma finally gained back her voice only to let out a scream that echoed through the entire hospital, she was dragged out of room as they tried to resuscitate him.

She fell to her knees only for her phone to fall right before her.

The flashing lights appeared with two separate notifications on her screen right under the time. She looked at her flashing screen only to read.

if you want to live
stay STILL.

Okay let me start by saying I'm SORRY.

Now that I apologized and you accepted (you have no say in this)

The messages and time are actually on the book cover, have you noticed?

We're almost at the end of the book and I'm EXCITED.

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