Chapter thirty-three

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Jenny walked into her quiet apartment only to be greeted by her dog who jumped up and down Jenny's leg.

She pet the dog for a little bit before refilling her bowl. "At least I still have you," She muttered as she watched the puppy eat. Everything in that apartment felt like a reminder of all she lost.

If you need anything, you can count on me.
She remembered Emma's words to her, she knew she meant well but at that moment, those words felt vein, those words felt like they had no meaning.

She walked to her room and changed out of her black dress into a pair of black baggy jeans and a shirt that seemed to be too long for her. She sniffed the shirt and all she could smell was his perfume. She had to pack up and leave with Tom and Emma who were around her neighborhood. She felt too heavy to move, it's like all that grief wasn't leaving her alone. Like an ugly monster biting down on her fragile heart.

She sat on the couch and scrolled through the endless messages of people that barely knew him saying how much they will miss him.

You haven't talked to him in years you hypocrites. She thought to herself.

She couldn't believe how many people said their lives would change forever. How many people suddenly cared about them when those same people barley ever acknowledged that they existed. She sat on the couch hoping all of this is a nightmare that she'll wake up from soon.

She put her phone on silent mode, she wanted an hour of peace, no reminders, no texts, no humans.

Twenty minutes of nothing; she hasn't moved a muscle.

She sat there and watched the empty mess that became her life, all that empty space. Space that once was a human being. Space that Katy left behind, then there was Shawn's space like a gap in her chest.

Shawn's phone was with her before it happened, she was dying to open it, but she didn't need the reminder, the second she opens it, it will become too real for her to bear. She shut the phone and held it close to her chest, she felt the kind of pain she hoped she would never feel.


Three knocks on the other side of her door forced her to get up. She held Shawn's phone in her hand as she walked to the door. She put her hand on the doorknob and twisted it only to feel a gust of wind rush into her hair as the door opened.

Her eyes felt heavy but there he was, those piercing blue eyes, that leather jacket, that smooth brown hair; Connor stood before her, his eyes carried too much violence for her to comprehend.

He immediately pulled out a spray and pressed the cap only for it to release its fumes into her face. She backed away from him but her body felt too weak, weaker than usual. She felt a suffocating weight force itself onto her lungs, she tried to cough but it only made it worse.

Her knees got too weak to carry her, she collapsed on the cold floor, her eyelids got too heavy, her world became darker as she watched him stand over her with a mischievous grin.

Jenny heard her dogs bark before she finally fell unconscious.

"Shh!" Connor attempted to shush the dog, which only made it worse.
"Damnit." He shut the door behind him.

"This will hurt you a lot more than it'll hurt me." He kicked the dog off his foot, it flew across the apartment before it slammed onto the wall.

He snatched Shawn's phone from her hand before he gazed around the apartment.
This is going to be fun, He thought to himself as he shot another look at her unconscious body.

A small chapter but keep going I'll post more in a min 💀✋

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