Chapter thirteen

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"You know," Markus paused as him and Lena walked out of the woods, "we never got a chance to talk ever since-" Lena turned around. She gave him a look that made him stop talking.

"Enough!" She yelled out, "I can't- I won't talk about this now." She turned back around and walked away, stepping on the crunchy old leaves covering the floor. they reached the car their dad gave Markus on his sixteenth birthday; it was old but it was a part of him. One that neither Markus nor Lena could ever let go.

Lena opened the door to their old 1967 chevy impala, she sat on the leather seat and allowed her mind to doze off down memory lane.

She remembered all the times her grandfather drove her and Markus to get Icecream. Then her father who continued the tradition after that. She couldn't help but smile at those memories, at the simpler times she once had.

"Okay, enough," Markus snapped, "You always do this, Lena!" He exclaimed, "I try to help you, I try to talk to you but you won't let me in!" he yelled, "I get it, I know it's hard-"

"You don't!" She interrupted him, "the fact that you're screaming at me to open up to you alone proves how much you don't get it!" A tear ran across her cheek.

"Fine, I'm the bad guy." He twisted the car key, the sound of the motor rumbling startled Lena. Markus drove out of there.
"I never said you're the bad guy," she broke the silence, "all I'm saying is that you don't understand how I feel. If you really want to know you have to wait until I'm ready to open up to you." She looked at him, only to see he was looking at the road, giving her the silent treatment.

"Very mature." She rolled her eyes and looked out of the window; she was in too much pain to share. She felt her world collapse around her, and all she could do was watch.

Lena closed her eyes; she felt the air coming out of the little crack in the window tickle her hair. She took a few deep breaths before dozing off, finally, she allowed herself to relax after a few hectic days.

"Lena," Markus called out after a while of driving "Wakeup." He shook her awake.

"What is it?" She rubbed her eyes and looked at him, "We're not home, are we?" She asked.

Markus pointed out of the window on her side with a small smile on his face. Lena looked out of the window and couldn't help but smile, he took her to the ice cream shop their father used to take them to. A little twinkle made it's way in her eyes, nostalgia overwhelmed her.

The shop looked the exact same, the classic huge ice cream cone at the front door, the chalkboard sign on the other side of the door where they wrote a cheesy joke every week.
Ice cream because you're driving me crazy The sign read. The small red stools by the counter, everything was the exact same.

Lena wrapped her arms around her brother.
"I know you're not ready to share now, but I'm here whenever you're ready." He felt her arms wrap tighter around him, He finally heard and tamed her silent screams.

"Let's get some ice cream," He whispered before breaking the hug they both needed. they got out of the car and got into the store, Lena looked at her brother in that store and saw her father in him. She finally found what she lost she lost. 


Lena's phone buzzed as they ate their ice cream in the car.
"It's Mom," Lena said. "We were supposed to go shopping today," She remembered.
"Come on, I'll drive you home, then you take Mom shopping." Markus inhaled the rest of his cone.
"Ba-id-ea Ba-," he regretted putting that much icecream in his mouth.

Markus turned the engines back on and drove away as Lena laughed at his misery.
"You know what time it is?" He asked after the ice cream crisis was over.

"Oh, please don't..." She begged.

"RAP TIME!!" He said as he hooked the AUX cable to his phone.

"Ugh, I hate you," She blurted out with a mouthful of ice cream.

"Yeah, ditto" he replied with a smile on his face. They both opened their windows; Markus blasted the speakers letting the music take over their minds as they drove home. After they arrived, Markus left the car and went inside to get their mom.

"Mom!" He called out. "I'm upstairs!" Her voice echoed across the hallway. She walked out of her bedroom and towards the stairs "I just need a minute," she said as she put a small earring on her ear. By the time Markus went up the stairs she was done dressing up.

She walked out of that room and although she was wearing casual clothing, she still looked stunning. "So, what do you think?" She asked Markus who was on his way to his room.

"You look great." He turned around and spoke. "You did something with your hair right?" He asked as he saw her hair wave down her shoulders.

"I'm surprised you noticed," She said sarcastically, "Aren't you coming?" She asked as she made her way to the stairs.
"No, I have some stuff to do," he said as he held his bedroom door. She nodded and waved goodbye as she walked down the stairs.

"What do you think you're doing?" Lena's mom said as she walked towards the car.

"Driving you to the mall?" Lena said as she put her hands on the steering wheel.

"Uh-uh, scoot over, I'm driving," she demanded.

"Mel, come on," Lena begged.

"Ah hell no, come on scoot." Lena grunted as she moved to the side. Melissa sat in the driver's seat and drove them both away.

Lena and her mother had a special relationship, it was more of a friendship than a mother daughter relationship. They always felt comfortable around each other . Lena always came up with fun little nicknames for her mother, Melissa. However, Markus never really participated in these small habits as he found it 'inappropriate.' which of course both Lena and Melissa found hilarious.


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