Chapter thirty-two

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"There's something you guys need to know." Tom let out a sigh.

"Yeah?" Emma asked as she drove. Is he finally going to tell us? She hated how he hid this secret, she hated how much this game tore them apart.

"As you both know I had a turn with him too." He lowered his gaze.
"He's... changed," Tom blurted out.

"What do you mean?" Emma asked.

"I mean I saw him, his physical or human form." He caught  Jenny's attention.

"You said he possessed an animal?" Emma said in confusion. Her eyes were fixed at the road but her attention was focused on nothing but him.

"He did, but he was doing it remotely if that makes any sense," He explained. "It was like he controlled it with his hand. He had full control over that thing, yet he watched it attack me." He looked at Emma. This wasn't what he wanted to tell them, but this is all he could let out. Enough bad news for one day. He thought to himself.

He called you after I killed his goat," Tom continued.

"So that psycho can now possess people without actually doing it?" Jenny said, she closed her fists and squeezed on her palms. She couldn't hold her anger any longer. She felt her ring poke her fists which only made her angrier.

"Yeah..." Tom answered. Jenny shut her eyes closed, she didn't want to lose control. She knew he wouldn't want her to lose control.

"That's not all." Tom bit the inside of his lip, he was ashamed.
"The demon made me an offer." His words caught both their attention, they felt chills run up and down their spines. "He wanted me to be his new companion." Tom felt this eyes burn through his skin.

"Tell me you said no," Jenny's voice was calm yet intimidating.

"I did," he reassured her. Emma felt her heart beat against her chest... She knew there was more. 
"I thought about it bu-"

"Excuse me?" Jenny's blood boiled. "You thought about?" She repeated his words, he heard the aggression in her voice and suddenly lost his.
"This is not something to think about!" She snapped.
"He killed Andrew, Markus, Lena, and Katy!" She screamed. Tom looked at the ground with tearful eyes, grief wasn't something he could control, neither was the ability to live forever; he craved life and hated that he might have to let go.

"He killed Shawn! He fucking killed them all!" Emma stopped the car at the side of the road, she knew she had to intervene one way or another.

"Jenny let hi-"
"No! You stay out if this brooks!" Emma's sentence was cut short by Jenny's tantrum.

"I know that!" He screamed in sarrow, "I never took his offer!" He watched her reflection in the mirror, her face was angrier than her voice.

"I was telling you this because he will make you the same offer." He gazed at her reflection with despair in his eyes. "He said I was too desperate to live, now that we lost half our friends he will offer you the same thing," he paused, "both of you." He shot a look at Emma. His emotions finally showed: despair, anger, grief, pain.

Jenny laid her back against the couch, she let out a painful sigh before she looked out the window with tearful eyes.

"We can't turn on eachother." Emma turned back to face Jenny, "This," she pointed at the two of them with her hand, "this can't happen again, ever." She looked at Tom.
"If we want to survive this son of a bitch we have to stick together." She fought her tears and held onto the steering wheel with her fist. "I can't lose anyone else." She lost the fight. She broke down against the steering wheel, her breakdown felt like a permission for the rest of them to allow themselves to feel it all too, they had to be strong to survive this hell that they put themselves in, but after all they were barley adults, it was too much for them to bear.

Emma felt Tom's gentle touch against her shoulder, it was comforting in a way she thought she lost.

"We have to stay together, or at least close enough so that we'd be able to help each other whenever that son of bitch attacks," Tom suggested. He glanced back at Jenny.

"I'm going to need some time to pack," Jenny said.

"We can stay at my place," Tom suggested, "my parents are out of town so we'll have the house to ourselves." Tom said.

"We'll be around your place while you pack," Emma said as she strapped on her seatbelt.

They drove to Jenny's apartment, unaware of the eyes that watched them from the distance, those piercing blue eyes that stalked their every move.


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