Chapter seventeen

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The room went silent, the screams disappeared as if they never existed. Markus gazed at the pile of ashes laying on the floor, he fell to his knees, happiness overwhelmed him. "THANK GOD!" he cried.
Tears of joy ran across his face, he cheered aloud and jumped around the ashes. "Suck it!" Markus pointed at the ashes, "that's right! I got your ass!" He laughed. He couldn't believe his eyes, his father's plan worked! The demon was gone! He felt a huge weight fall off his broad shoulders, he collapsed onto the chair he sat one beforehand, except now with a grin on his face. He shut his eyes closed and enjoyed the peaceful moment he was having I win he thought to himself. It's not everyday that you defeat a supernatural entity, and avenge your father's death. He lifted his heavy eyelids open to notice the lights crashing through his curtains. He heard a pullover at their house; they're back.

"Markus!" The front door swung open, two worried women walked into the living room and called out his name. Melissa looked around the living room as every bad outcome burned through head. Lena was the opposite, she knew that Markus had it in him, she knew Markus could do it, but a tiny part of her still worried.

"Mom! Lena!" Markus called out. They both ran towards his voice, they rushed into the room only to see Markus standing next to a pile of Ashes. "I present to you." He pointed at the Ashes elegantly. "Aquilla." He couldn't help but grin as he said the name.
"I'm so glad you're okay," she said as she threw herself into her son's arms. Lena looked around the room to notice the pattern on the floor, her eyes shuffled throw the room. She noticed the books torn and tossed on the floor, she kept looking up until she finally saw the spell on the roof of the room.

"Impressive," She couldn't help but blurt out, she shot a look at the ashes and felt pure joy rock her body. "I'm here too you know," she said as she squeezed herself in their mother-son hug.

"It really is!" Melissa looked around the room. "Your fathers plan?" She admired it, everything he did there, every symbol so precise, it must have taken him hours!

"Yeah," he paused, "he really was a damn genius!" Markus said proudly. He felt his sister hug his arm with both her hands.

"So are you!" Melissa placed her palm on her son's cheek, she couldn't believe how much he looked like his dad at that moment. That spark in his eyes, the way he stood there, everything about him at that very moment made Melissa think of their dad.
She looked at her children and felt relieved. That demon was gone and her children were safer than ever.


both Markus and Lena's phones vibrated breaking their lovely moment of joy. 

Shawn: Jenny was arrested. She's at the 45th precinct. I'm on my way there now

Shawn texted their group, after Jenny called the cops, they took her in as a suspect. Markus and Lena read the text and both looked at each other immediately.

"We gotta go," Lena said, "Jenny was arrested," she told Melissa.

"Oh god," Melissa said, "Okay go, I'll clean the ashes up," She volunteered. Markus and Lena paced out of the room; however, Markus was stopped by his mother. "I know this isn't the right time to say this, but I'm sorry I never told you that your dad was involved in this." she held tight on his arm.

"It's fine mom, it's not like either of us would have understood." Markus placed his hand on his mom's hand.

"Another question, Can I flush these ashes down the toilet?" She broke the awkwardness. "Let's hold onto them for now, we'll think of something better to do with them later," Markus said. He gave his mother a warm smile as he ran outside to the car. Markus and Lena drove all the way to the precinct, Markus pulled out his phone to text Shawn and see where everyone was. That was the case until a car stopped right next to theirs, Shawn walked out of the classic yellow taxi.

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