Chapter thirty-four

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"Hey! Wake up." Connor tapped on Jenny's cheeks. Jenny shook her head slowly, she felt the weight of every cell in her body.

Gently, she opened her eyes.

"Shawn?" She muttered. She hoped it would be him, with all her heart she hoped he'd be the one waking her up after this horrible nightmare.

"No, but just as handsome." Connor got closer to her face.

"What are you doing here!" The adrenaline rushed through her body woke her up. She tried to move but her whole body was tied up. She looked underneath her only to realize she was standing on a kitchen stool, she tried to breathe but she felt something wrapped tight around her neck... a rope. "What the hell is this!" She yelled.

"Took you long enough to notice." He smiled "The rope is tied to this chandelier you have here." He pointed at the modern chandelier Jenny hated. "And the ones around your shoulders are just for support so I don't hang you and accidentally kick your stool." He shrugged. "I have to be cautious!" He waved his arms around like the maniac he is.

"How on earth did you have time to do all this?"  She asked in genuine curiosity.

"It's called experience," he said sarcastically. "When you spend as much time alive as I have, you learn a skill or two." He laughed. "And since you're awake now." He held one of the ropes holding her and cut one lose.

"You don't need these two anymore." He cut the other rope, only leaving the one around her neck.

"Now, shall we start?" He pulled a knife out of his back pocket. Jenny felt her body tense at the sound of his voice.

"I never liked the way Aquilla played the game," he said. "Not enough torture." He pressed with his knife on her left leg, she felt the knife cut through her skin, she clenched her jaw to stop herself from screaming; she wasn't giving him the satisfaction.

"How does that feel?" He asked.

"I'll let you know as soon as I have that shoved up your-" She groaned as he cut deeper, she couldn't keep it in any longer.

"Talk talk talk." He took a couple of steps away from her. "That 's all you can do since your hands are tied up and all that." He waved his knife around with a grin.

"You do realize I can simply scream and at least one of my neighbors will come to check what's going on," she said through her pain. "With all that's happening I'm sure they'd come running," she stalled. She wasn't waiting for a neighbor to come and save her; she was waiting for Tom and Emma, they were around, they knew she'd pack and call them. It was only a matter of time.

"Yes, I do," He paused. "And I do know you are smarter than that." He walked back towards her. "Because as soon as you scream, you'll find my knife right through your throat," he threatened with an eerie level of calmness. "And if anyone knocks on your door they'll follow you." He got the cold blade closer to her chin, "right." He taped her chin with his knife, "to." Tap, "hell." Tap.

"You don't want Mrs. Rodriguez to follow you down there, do you?" He asked with a fake frown.

"By the way, your dog really hates chocolates." He smirked, "had to shove the chocolate down her throat, she ended up choking on it instead of getting poisoned by it." He scoffed, "what do you kids call that these days? Mission failed successfully?" He asked.

"Of course, you killed her!" She ground her teeth through the words.
She felt her tears build-up, however, she decided to power through, she shed enough tears because of this psychopath and his demon.

"Also, for a smart person holding your phone while opening the door is straightup stupid," Connor said with a surprised look on his face.

Jenny was just as surprised by his comment because she felt her phone in her back pocket. Her actual phone.

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