Chapter Eleven

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Shawn got out of park mode and started driving away... so did the truck. He started increasing the speed, and so did the truck. The countdown continued. 

"Five." The possessed driver honked his car. 

"Four." Closer.

"Three." Faster.

"You wanna race? you'll get a race." Shawn pressed the gas as hard as he could. 

"One." His radio turned off. He looked at his rear-view mirror and saw that car getting further and further until it was no longer visible. Shawn let out a sigh of relief before taking another glance in the mirror.

"No way." The bright headlights flashed into his mirrors. "You might be able to catch up to me, but your trunk can't fit in narrow streets," Shawn muttered. He drove his car down the highway and broke to the first right he found.



Straight ahead.

Shawn's wheels marked onto the streets, his engine roared, houses kept turning on their front porch lights, he made sure the truck was gone once again. Shawn settled in place for a good minute before finding his way out to the main road again. Only to see those bright headlights blinded his view once more.

Shawn took a sharp turn and drove as far away as he could, with the truck right on his tale. and that's when he remembered.

Choose your elements


He realized the only way he can end his turn, is to play it to the end. Shawn drove through small side roads until he eventually reached his own home. He parked his car Infront of his house, got out of his car and into his home. Shawn opened the door to his garage from the inside of his house and grabbed the largest hammer he could find. He heard the loud honks in the distance.

It's almost here he thought to himself. He ran towards his kitchen which had a brick frame that lined up the entrance.

"And my mom thought this was ugly." He slammed the wall with the hammer he held over and over and over again until a big chunk of it was scattered on the floor. Shawn took his shoes off and stood with his bare feet on broken bricks.

"Ten." He felt the bricks piercing through his skin.

"Nine." He stopped himself from moving.

"Eight." He saw the bright lights flash through the curtains.

"Seven." He heard the sound of metal being crushed flat.

"Six." He heard the truck's engine roar.

"Five." The lights grew brighter.

"Four." The rumbling grew louder.

Three." The truck got closer and closer.

"Two." A brick broke beneath his feet.

"ONE!" He screamed. The roaring sound of the engine stopped, the lights went out, it was all gone. Shawn stepped of the bricks as his feet bled on his floor. He limped towards his front door and swung it open. "SHIT!" a curse slipped out of his mouth.

"MY CAR!" he said as he glanced at his once beautiful black dodge. Crushed, destroyed, and torn to pieces right at his front door.


New chapter! small but works hehe 

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