Chapter eighteen

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"Hello." a detective walked into the cold room. He had a white button up shirt on and an elegant black tie, Jenny scanned his features as he walked into the room, he was eye-catching, he wasn't necessarily attractive or handsome in any sense of the word but he was just... Recognizable, she felt like she's seen him before, like she knows exactly who he is.
"Miss, Evans, is it?" Jenny nodded. "Could you tell me what happened earlier today? I know it is pretty late and it may have been too much for you. However, I need you to try to give me as many details as possible," he said in an almost uninterested tone.
"Okay," she said calmly. She wasn't sure if that officer had a bad day or a bad attitude but either way, he felt odd to her. "I-- I came back home and we talked a little, she was in the kitchen, cooking. I went to change my clothes. Then I heard her knock o-on my door." She held back tears. She looked at the table before looking back at the officer who seemed to be... smiling?
"I am sorry, but is any of this funny to you?" She asked aggressively.

"Oh, dear god no, it's a thing I can't control." He scoffed, "I apologies, go on." His eyes widened and the smirk completely disappeared from his face.

"She knocked on my door, and I opened it just to see her with a knife." Jenny paused mid story as the detective got up from his chair and gave her a look she couldn't quite understand. All she knew was that she wasn't safe with this man in the room. something a bout him was unsettling.

"I want a lawyer." Jenny demanded as she sat in the dim room. a detective sat across the table from her. "I won't say a word without a lawyer here." She crossed her arms through the pain of the cuts and wound all over them.

"Who's your lawyer?" The detective asked calmly. Jenny sat in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say. She couldn't say who her lawyer was because she simply didn't have one. She let out a small sigh and shook her head as she thought of anyone she actually knows. "Johnathon Brooks," She blurted out Emma's father's name.

The detective walked out of the room and left her alone there. she scanned the room with her eyes. She could see a large mirror on the wall Infront of her and a camera in the corner of the room. She shut her eyes closed as she waited for the detective to come back. She couldn't keep her eyes closed for too long as all she could see was Katy's body burning on her bedroom floor.

Jenny put her hands over her ears to block out the screams . The door swung open as both the detective and Emma's father walked in. "I don't get why you're keeping her here." Johnathon sat down on the chair next to Jenny. "You have no proof that she did anything to that poor girl," He added. "Her fingerprints were found in the crime scene." The detective bit his fingernails as if there wasn't an ongoing interrogation.

"Let me rephrase that," He paused. "You found my clients fingerprints in her own apartment, in her own bedroom?" He raised his eyebrows; he couldn't believe how ridiculous the detective's claims were.
"She's hurt, she has multiple cuts on her hands and one on her shoulder. Clearly, they fought each other or someone else, there were no signs of breaking in, windows closed and locked." He sat in the chair and looked at them with a serious look. "So, either your client burned her roommate alive, or her roommate just casually lit herself on fire." He had an aggressive look on his face, Jonathon knew that this detective was basing his case on nothing. He couldn't keep her in that room, not for long.
"You have no proof that my client did anything. All you have are empty speculations, you don't have a solid case over her or we wouldn't be he-"

"Shhhh." The detective put his finger over his lips. the room went colder and colder as he shushed Johnathon.

Jenny shut her eyes soaked in the cold unexplainable breeze. She opened her eyes and looked to the right only to see that Johnathon froze in his place. She looked at him, unable to comprehend why he's not moving. She nudged his shoulder but he wouldn't budge. 
"Your story," the detective shifted his gaze to Jenny. "Finish it." The detective said calmly. His voice sent shivers down her spine, unimaginable fear built-up in her heart. She felt her bones ache as the puzzle pieces fell into place.

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