Chapter twenty-seven

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Markus's alarm went off in a serious of useless beeps as he's already awake. Markus never allowed himself to feel safe ever since he 'killed' the demon.

He spent sleepless nights trying to find any proof or mention of a way to protect himself from the demon. It's been a month but he had this feeling that he didn't die, it was way too easy; Little did he know... he was right.

"Marrrrkusss" he heard a voice rumble around him.

"Oh Marky," The voice grew louder.

"Marky," Deeper.

"Marky," closer.

Markus swallowed his fear. He held the vase he put on his desk in the palm of his hand, ready to fight. He turned around and swung the vase in the air only, only for it to hit nothing. Markus looked around his dark empty room, once again to see nothing. He turned back to his laptop only to see a stick note on the screen with the words "Nobody EVER looks up," scribbled on the paper.

Chills ran down his spine, paralyzed by fear he looked up in a swift move. A shadowy figure stuck its claws through the ceiling, one of its four claws was ripped off the ceiling slowly waving at Markus. It only took a second as it pulled back it's freakish claw and slammed through Markus's throat. In one swift move it left his jaw hanging loose, Markus fell to his knees, blood dripped off the sides of his face. The loud thud of his body hitting the cold hard ground rumbled across the empty room.


Markus jumped out of his bed. "Another nightmare," he muttered as sweat dripped off every inch of his body. That's new... He thought to himself.

He panted for breath and as shook his head right and left.

"Was it though?" A voice echoed across the room. "Who's there," Markus jumped off the bed and grabbed the baseball bat he kept between the frame and the mattress. He looked around the dark room but he was met by darkness.

"A bat?" Aquilla walked out of the questionably dark corner of the room.

"Why didn't you reach for that instead of the vase?" He paused. "They were both close." He shrugged.

Markus looked at him with a puzzled face, he didn't know who that person was or why there were in his bedroom; he had a pretty good idea but denial took over his common sense.

He tried to balance himself on the mattress as springs went up and down with every step he took.

"Oh, don't tell me that you don't recognize me either!" Aquilla protested.
"I literally showed up in your dream, int this very outfit, for the past month!" He pointed at his clothes; he was clearly offended by their lack of attention to detail.
He put both hands in his pockets as he smirked watching Markus reach the realization.

"You." Markus saw his nightmare become a reality.

"You can't act surprised," the demon paused "You never stopped researching. You never stopped looking for ways to resurrect me and how to put an end to them!" The demon took a step forward.
"But you came up with nothing," he took another step closer to Markus. "You learned nothing," he said with a smirk on his face.

"I'm not the only one who learned nothing." Markus let his grip on the bat loose. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled his phone.

"Let me shed some light on your situation." Markus opened the flashlight on his phone to reveal yet another trap on the floor.

"Second time I fool you with the same trick." Markus laughed. "I'll keep you in here forever if that's what it takes for me to kill you." Markus jumped off his bed.

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