Chapter four

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Paramedics made their way through the woods with a portable stretcher. They moved Andrew to the Ambulance, Lena tried to get in the back with the paramedic but they refused to let her sit in the back.
They eventually allowed her to sit in the front, after all they did need the closest person to him, and that was Lena.

The rest of the group went to Shawn's car, a shiny black Dodge charger. Shawn loved saying that car was one of his top five favorite things in the world. Tom, Emma and Markus sat in the back while Jenny sat next to Shawn. Although feelings were all over the place at the moment, fear prevailed. They were all terrified and not just for their friend, they were all terrified of what might happen next; they were terrified of Connor.

What's his next move? What have we gotten ourselves into?

They shared the same questions, and they all had no answer. Shawn drove faster than he usually does, trying to catch up with the ambulance, all while running away from his fears.

"Do you think he's gonna be ok?" Emma asked, finally breaking the unbearable silence.

"Yes, I do... we all do," Tom said trying to keep it together. "Right guys?" He asked, trying to engage everyone else in the conversation.

"He's going to be fine," Jenny said.

"Can't say the same for that snail," Markus said, only to be met with Shawn glaring at him from the rearview mirror.
"Come on I'm NOT the only one who's thinking about that maniac now, am I?" He tried to defend himself.

"You're not," Tom said.

"And eating it," Shawn said, only making the matter worse.

"Can we just stop," Emma yelled out. "We can talk about this later." She let out a sigh before resting her back on the seat she was on.

Andrew wasn't in a very good state, alarms in the back going on and off. With each one that went off, Lena could feel her heart painfully drop to her stomach
"He's Flatlining." Lena overheard. She tried to block out the sounds, she tried her best not to break down completely.

"Starting CPR." She shut her eyes closed for a moment. she heard something fall to the floor, she felt a few bumps in the road, loud honks in the distance, everything happened all at once when suddenly all the alarms stopped.
The sound of his heartbeats shifted into a normal rhythm; it calmed her down in a way she never thought possible.
Lena opened her eyes only to see that the car was parked Infront of the hospital.

"How long have I been here," Lena whispered underneath her breath. She looked around only to see the ambulance was completely empty. She looked Infront of her only to see Andrew being dragged on a stretcher towards the huge neon sign that flashed the word "Emergency"

Lena's heart sank once more when someone tapped the glass window next to her, she jumped out of her seat only to see it was Markus.
"Lena!" He called out; he opened the door for her.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay," she smiled and walked towards the emergency room.

"How was he doing?" Tom asked.

"I-I don't know." A single tear ran across her cheek

"He's gonna be fine." Jenny hugged Lena, trying to calm her down.

"We'll go in to check and see how he's doing," Tom said.

Tom, Emma and Shawn went inside, they hoped they'd hear some good news, any good news. Jenny and Markus stayed outside, trying to calm Lena down.

"Lena," Markus paused, "why were you in that ambulance?" Markus asked.
"What do you mean?" Lena wiped away her tears as she asked.

"Andrew came in that ambulance." Markus pointed at the ambulance parked right Infront of the emergency door.

"You were sitting in this ambulance." Markus pointed at the parked ambulance right behind them.

"What?" Lena asked in confusion. "N-no?" Lena shook her head. "That's impossible," she added.

"I never left the ambulance that Andrew was in," she said. Lena ran towards the ambulance Markus told her about and started examining every inch of it, trying to make sense of what she's been told.

"Maybe the hospital staff just put you here?" Jenny said. "If they moved her, they'd take her inside, they wouldn't throw her in some ambulance," Markus said.

"You don't get it," Lena said as she searched the front seat of the ambulance.
"I closed my eyes in the ambulance and when I opened them everyone was go-" she stopped mid sentence. She checked her ears only to see that what she found on the floor of that ambulance was really hers.

"How did my earring get here?" she looked at Markus, baffled by the fact that she actually was in that ambulance.
"How-Why did I get in this ambulance?" She looked back at the ambulance trying to recall when she managed to get there.

"Wait..." Markus said. "He killed the snail," Markus said.
"With it the turn ended," Jenny said. "It would be against his rules if two souls were taken right then and there, or at least unfair" Markus said.

"Lena, I don't think you were ever in that ambulance to begin with," Markus said

"Markus, I was there, I heard them," she said, she tried to reassure herself. "How much did you really hear?" Jenny asked.
"What?" She looked at Jenny, so puzzled she couldn't process their words
"How much did you actually hear? You said at some point you closed your eyes and then you were here," Jenny said. Leaving Lena flabbergasted with the unsettling realization; the demon is haunting every step they take.

They sat there for two hours until a doctor finally approached them. "He's stable now. When he came in, we had to put him on dialysis, whatever that substance he was injected with is very dangerous." He tried to form the right words in his head, it looked like he was shocked.
"The amount of accumulated waste in his blood was really high, we've never seen anything like it," He paused. "It's almost like his kidneys stopped working for weeks." He scanned their faces, trying to figure out what they knew.
"Did he take any kind of drug before this happened?" The doctor asked, his curiosity got the best of him.
He was attacked by a maniac possessed by a demon Lena's mind couldn't form any other sentence, however all that came out of her mouth was
"Not that we know of,"
"Alright." He let out a sigh, almost as if he knew she was lying.

"Right now, he's unconscious in a room on the seventh floor, you're not allowed to enter the room right now but you can wait outside until you are." He nodded at them before dismissing himself.

"Waste?" Tom said in disbelief
"We're dealing with a demon here," Shawn said quietly. "Logic, common sense, all out of the window," He added.
"Perfect, now we're supposed to expect literally our wildest fantasies," Emma said sarcastically.
"Or our worst nightmares." Tom let out a worried sigh.


Let's stop here for now shall we? New chapters coming in soon 😉

Originally this is only have a chapter but I had to end it with that line 🤷‍♂️

Check out my TikTok for edits and teases about the book and it's chapters!! If you came here from the edits do let me know xD

The pic above is an image made by AI of how I imagined Lena

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