Chapter two

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Emma closed her phone and placed it on the nightstand. A heavy sigh escaped her lungs; she felt weird about this whole situation, yet she couldn't not go, she wanted to see her friends so badly that she ignored every natural instinct within herself.

She went to her closet and grabbed her black jeans and her baggy white hoodie and put them on her bed. This lingering sense of pure fear took over her soul. She knew this was a bad idea, she knew she shouldn't go, yet something indescribable pushed her towards her bedroom door.

"Nine P.m." She glanced at the watch on her bedroom wall. She got dressed, grabbed her phone and ignored the screaming voice in her head begging her to stay home.
Emma walked out of her front door and suddenly all that fear was... gone? She couldn't explain it even if she tried. Since that spot was about an hour away on foot, Emma decided to walk.

She knew Tom would be early.
He’s always early, he’ll be there before I arrive,
Emma thought to herself. The wind was smooth, cold but not too cold, the night sky, the stars, the wind, everything about that night was a little too peaceful. That safe embrace she felt slowly faded away as she heard footsteps around her.

"You're being paranoid, it's late, you're just imagining things," She reassured herself.
She walked a little faster... and so did whatever was making the sounds around her.
At this point it was impossible to deny, someone was following her. Emma grabbed her pepper spray and was ready to use it. She turned around and pointed the spray at the source of the sound she heard, but whatever it was was no longer there. It was like whatever it was, disappeared into thin air.
She looked around, hunting for hints, she was met by nothing. She decided to jog instead of walk, of course with the pepper spray ready to be used.

She avoided the trail in the woods but it was only a matter of time until she had to use it.
Right before she could set her foot in the woods, she heard someone behind her, a little too close to her. She turned around and pressed the spray, only for a hand to snatch her one line of defense away.
Her heart beat so fast. She glanced at the person who held her hands firmly.

"OH MY GOD, TOM!" She screamed at Tom. He snatched her pepper spray before it could release anything.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She yelled at him, and of course, he laughed through the whole thing.

"This, by far, is the best scare EVER." he laughed out loud. "God, remind me to not miss you next time you’re gone." She felt her heart calm down.

"Oh please, you’ll miss me the second we go home." He laughed even more.

She forgot how much she loved his laugh.
"You know, one day you'll wake up and all that hair will be gone." She raised her eyebrows. "And I'll be standing there laughing my ass off," She added.
"Please, you know I can pull a buzzcut off," he said arrogantly.

"We'll see about that." She gave him an evil, almost threatening smirk.

"Let's get this over with," She walked into the woods, towards the place where a big part of her childhood was created.
"You're walking awfully fast." He tried to catch up to her. They walked into the dark woods, flashlights on, adrenaline rushed through their blood, and fear clouded their minds. little did they know, that fear they felt then was only the tip of the iceberg.

I know the chapter is smaller than it should be but come on it had to end here, right?

I will upload another one very soon, stay tuned!

(The pic attached above is an AI picture of how I imagined Tom)

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