Chapter Nine

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"Now before you start slamming doors and screaming for help, I can still get in your room." He shrugged. "Demon powers and all," He added as he played with Katy's black hair.

"Your friend is gorgeous by the way." He gently felt the body possessed, filling Jenny with disgust. "I'm taking my chance." Jenny slammed the door in his face. "Come on don't go locking the do-" the sound of the door lock twisting cut Aquilla off. He grunted and stomped his foot to the floor.

"What the hell do you want," Jenny yelled out in an attempt to he stall him. She looked around her room trying to find anything with water in it, yet she found nothing.
"Just your soul with me in my eternal inferno and all that crap," he said so casually.
Markus's message! She thought to herself. Jenny checked her pockets only to realize her phone wasn't with her; she left it at the counter outside.

"Looking for this?" A voice rumbled behind her. Aquilla was standing right there with her phone in one hand, and the knife in another.

"How did you do that?" Jenny panicked. She felt her heart skip a beat as something that looks and sounds exactly like her best friend stood Infront of her with the intention to kill her. Fear clouded her mind, everything around her paused . She never thought she'd want water to be around this badly.

"How did I do what? get in? Come on Jenny." He looked insulted by her question. "My name is Aquilla," he said slowly. "I'm a demon," he said with the same annoying sarcastic tone.
"Now come on, unlock that door and start running." he pointed at the door, seemingly too bored of the conversation they're having.

"What?" She said, confused by his request.

"What?" He mocked. "Killing you while you're locked in a small room is boring," he argued. "Open the door. Start running," He commanded. His voice shifted between his own gravelly voice, and Katy's familiar, warm voice.

"Katy, I know you are in there; you are stronger than him, you can fight it, fight Katy!" Jenny said in a helpless attempt to releas Katy from the grasp of the demon latching onto her.

"I" he started coughing.
"LET ME GO" Jenny heard a familiar voice between the struggling coughs. She saw a spark of life in Katy's eyes. Her skin was gaining back its color! Jenny's heart fluttered with joy as she saw her friend coming back to her.

"Do it Katy do it!" Jenny cheered. "Oh AHHH," she screamed, the scream slowly turned to slow laughs, Katy's skin turned back to the freakish dead pale color.
"Like people haven't tried that before." He continued laughing. "I needed that good laugh," He said, "thank you." He wiped a tear.
He let out a sigh and caught her breath"Where were we?" He wondered.
"Right, I was about to murder you since you didn't use your chance to escape," he said calmly.
Jenny ran towards her bedroom door, desperately trying to make her way out of there. A knife swung right above her head, that's when she realized; it was too late for her to run.
The demon grabbed her and threw her away from the door.
She slid on her bedroom floor until she hit the edge of her desk. Before she attempted to get up, the demon tackled her, his grin grew so wide Katy's face was no longer recognizable.

He laughed out loud seeing Jenny struggle underneath him. Katy's eyes went from their warm brown color to completely white . Jenny could tell her friend was slowly disappearing inside that demon
"I gave you a chance to survive!" He screamed as he sliced his knife towards her, making her screams grow louder. Jenny put her arms up trying to protect herself from her inevitable doom.

"YOU wasted it!" He cut her with his knife splattering her blood all over the bedroom floor.
"I always give you people a chance!" His voice went deeper with every swing of the knife he held. "And every time you NEVER take it!" Jenny's screams grew louder and louder, she was ready to give up, she was ready to let it all go.
Jenny let her arms down, accepting defeat. tears involuntarily fell from her eyes. Although the face attacking her was barely recognizable, Jenny knew at heart that it was her friend. "Goodbye," he said so calmly, almost saddened by what he was about to do to her.
He took a deep breath. In that moment Jenny realized that his pale skin slowly turned back to the color of her friend's hands. As the demon went for the last stab to the heart, a force within him pushed his hand right above Jenny's shoulder. The knife sliced through her shoulder, she groaned in pain. Jenny looked into what seemed to be her friend.

"Save yourself," Katy said with teary eyes before her skin turned back to pale once more.

"You missed." Jenny pulled her shoulder away from the knife and with every ounce of strength within her she pushed Aquilla of her.
She looked beside her only to notice the knife was planted in her bedroom floor.
Jenny had just enough time to take one last glance at her oldest friend who was giving her a warm look.

it's okay

Katy mouthed before her bare skin went up in bright red flames. Jenny attempted to stop her friend from completely burning up. She ran to the kitchen and grabbed all the water she could. But by the time she went back to her room it was already too late. Katy's burned; rotten flesh was no longer on fire. Jenny fell on her knees, devastated, completely broken down. She cried out her best friend's name hoping for a miracle. she closed her eyes and screamed in pain. She may have survived her turn, but a part of who she was died right then and there, one that she could never replace.

"How long until the Uber is here?" Tom asked impatiently

"Says five minutes." Emma read off her phone. They both sat there next to Tom's car in silence.

"Do you plan on telling me what you and Markus were talking about." She broke the silence with a question that was met by nothing more than an awkward laugh.
"I'm gonna need more than an awkward laugh." She smiled.

"Look there's something going on and I really don't know how to come out and say it," He paused.

"I told Markus that-" His sentence was cut off by the sound of something rattling within the bushes.

"What was that?" The sound grabbed Tom's attention.

"Tom don't check it." Emma grabbed his arm.

"Just stay back," he said. he broke free from her hand, only to cover her with his. a distant whistle made its way to their ears.

"Who is it!" Tom yelled out. he knew the answer, still he hoped he was wrong.

"Your favorite player." Connor's voice sent chills down their spines. "Oh wait... what is that I hear?" He walked out of the bushes with a black butterfly knife.

"I hear Ten." He smiled.
"Nine." He slowly walked back to the woods.
"Eight." Tom breathed heavily.
"Tom, don't," Emma commanded. "Seven." Tom ran after Connor in the woods.
"Six." Connor laughed between the counts.
"Five." Emma went after Tom.
"Four." The sound of the butterfly knife flips echoed through the woods.
"Three." Connor stopped ru nning once her reached the exact spot where he stabbed the needle in Andrew's neck.
"Two." Tom's eyes met Connor's
"One," Connor said with a mischievous grin.


What do you think will happen next?
I only feel bad for the Uber they'll miss tbh 🤷‍♂️

The image attached is another pic of Andrew <3

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