His teammate Vanessa took a look at the information and said with a smile, "He's a player from China. From what I know, one of the better archers in China is called Rain. He's recommended to participate in this year's individual competition. This Starlight is probably not famous and is just a newbie who came to the wild card area to play. "

Romain thought so too. He rubbed his hands together and got ready.

After ten seconds, the map of the competition was loaded.

The map of the individual competition was very simple. There was only the middle lane and no top or bottom lanes. There were no monsters in the jungles that could be used for farming, but there were a few bushes that could be used for ambushes. Farming depended entirely on clearing enemies, which required a lot of details.

The rules for determining the winner of the competition were to push down the opponent's crystal or kill the opponent three times.

From the beginning of the first round, Cheng Xing had been clearing enemies at the bottom of the tower. Since [Machine Gun Hunter] was very fast at clearing enemies, the opponent couldn't cross the tower and kill him in a short time. The two of them cleared enemies and developed. When both of them were level 6, Romain suddenly used a big move to cross the tower and flatten Cheng Xing a few times. Cheng Xing's health dropped by half in an instant.

There were no health packs to eat in the individual competition, so there was no way to recover health. Cheng Xing's hero didn't have a displacement, so he was at a disadvantage. He was quickly beaten to a critical level by Romain, so he had no choice but to return home.

Romain took the opportunity to push down the tower with his minions.

The two of them fought back and forth for ten minutes. After Romain made the key equipment, he directly crossed the tower and killed Cheng Xing, pushing down the outer tower. After that, the rhythm of the game was quickly controlled by Romain. He snowballed crazily, and his equipment was ahead of Cheng Xing's. He directly attacked without thinking. As long as he hit a critical hit, Cheng Xing would definitely be at critical health.

The first round ended in fourteen minutes. Cheng Xing had lost without a doubt.

After a five-minute break, Ye Shaoyang analyzed, "Romain's playing style is more aggressive. Little Xing, pay more attention to the details in the second round. Drag it out with him until the later stages."

Cheng Xing nodded. "Okay!"

At the start of the second round, Romain chose the Archer [Sharpshooter], which was also very suitable for solo fights. His attack range was very long, and no hero could reach him with a normal attack, unless he went around and cut.

In a solo fight between Archers, [Sharpshooter] could hide very far away and snipe the opponent, but the opponent couldn't hit him. After being sniped by him twice in a row, it was easy to be at critical health or even killed.

Cheng Xing was not in a hurry. He waited for Romain to finish choosing his hero before choosing the hero [Vampire Princess].

This was the Archer hero that Cheng Xing was very good at. His big move could drain health. Although he didn't have any displacement skills and wasn't flexible enough, his damage output was at the top of all Archers, and his survivability was very strong.

As soon as the game started, Romain aimed at Cheng Xing and sniped twice, and Cheng Xing returned home with critical health.

After a few minutes, he sniped Cheng Xing back home with critical health.

"Isn't this newbie too weak? He can't dodge my shots at all. " He stared at the computer screen and couldn't help but think that since victory was in his hands, he should end the second round as soon as possible.

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