"Who you think you fooling brother, its 3:30 in the fucking morning. I know damn well them kids been sleep." Jeannette pushed Ronald arm off of her. She had fallen asleep waiting on him. Even though he told her he would be later than expected, she had no idea he meant this early in the morning. She sat up and turned on the lamp that was sitting on her nightstand. Ronald was actually just trying to get some sleep. He was already tired from his activities with Regina. He figured if he just came real quiet and snuggled up behind her they could sleep peacefully. "Apparently I can't avoid the damn nagging and bitching anywhere huh?"  He laid on his back and let his arm fall over his eyes to shield them from the light. Jeannette stood up and grabbed her silk robe off her ottoman at the foot of her bed. "Uhn uhn...we don't do that over this way buddy." She chuckled without humor. At this moment she felt vulnerable and exposed so she closed the thin material and tied the belt. She was wearing her favorite leather lingerie. Ronald shook his head, he had seen what she was wearing and couldn't help, but to think how much of a waste this little argument Jeannette was trying to have was. His dick started to get hard as he had a quick flash of the last time she wore that for him. "Man, what you talking about right now? I'm just trying to get some sleep and y'all won't leave me in peace." Jeannette reached down and grabbed the fluffy house shoe off her foot and tossed it in his direction. She had no intentions of hitting him, but she wanted to get her point across. "Y'all? You can just take your lying ass back over there to Regina, cause I ain't for the bullshit." With her hands on her hips she looked him directly in the eyes. "Man get the fuck outta here with that! Did you seriously just throw that damn shoe at me though?" He sat up quick. "Oh! So that's what I gotta do to get your attention huh?! Well then here." She threw threw her other shoe, but this time with the intentions of hitting him, but still missed. "Yo, when I tell you, you lucky as fuck you ain't got no damn aim." Walking the short distance to him she got in his face. "You can just take yo ass to a damn hotel, motel. I ain't yo damn wife, I'm not putting up with the disrespect and lying and shit." She pointed her index finger in his face. Pushing her arm down out his face he stood up so he could walk away before he did something he regret. "You know what, you ain't said nothing but a word Yeah Yeah, you got your fucking nerve trying to check me, but you fucking one of your "besties" husband right?!" He put up air quotes when he said besties. "Oh fuck you Ronald! You act as if your God's gift to women! Don't act like I begged you or something. I'm not one of your low self-esteem sluts you used to dealing with behind your wife's back. You got mad shit with you, I just don't sleep around so I stuck it out." Jeannette pulled the ponytail holder from her hair to lighten the feeling of the lace front she had installed. She was beginning to feel a headache coming on and it had nothing to do with the drink she had hours ago. This headache had Ronald written all over it. From the moment she watched him and his family walk into that restaurant, she could feel it coming. "You could've fooled me, seems like if your self-esteem was so damn high you wouldn't have to sleep with you friends husband." He growled as he put his sweatpants on. "Muthafucka! I don't need you! I had everything I had before you and will continue to maintain it when your gone. Standing there acting like your shit don't stink, sneaking into my bed at 3:30am smelling like fresh nut. You got the wrong one, you definitely got me fucked up if you think you can treat me any type of way." Jeannette paced back in forth in front of her bed. She was waiting for him to get dressed so she could get her sleep to go to work in the morning. "Bitch, just shut the fuck up. I'm done listening to your delusional ass. I thought I had found some peace, but I should've known better than that cause you was hanging tuff with the rest of them drama loving bitchs." Jeannette was speechless, all she could do was stand there with her mouth open. Was this the man she had spent the past year thinking she would be happy and he would be better off with her than Gina? He told her he felt unappreciated and like he didn't matter at home. Come to find out, he was just a horny bastard looking for new pussy and like a dummy she fell for it. "The truths a hard pill to swallow ain't it?!" He said as he grabbed his keys off the nightstand. She didn't answer him, she just stood there quietly. She brought this on herself, now this was her karma she thought as she watched him twist and turn the key rings until her had separated them. He reached his hand out with the keys sitting in his palm. Jeannette slowly sat on the ottoman and began to stare at the blank television screen in front of her. She jumped slightly when she heard her front door slam shut.


🥰😍😘❤️❤️ hey guys. Thanks for hanging in there and continuing to support my writing. I appreciate every read and like and comment I receive.

Awww shoot now, Johanna bought to switch sides? It seem like Justin trying to be more than just study buddies you know what i mean 🤔😬😁

Noooo Regina! You was supposed to be the strong "Don't no man run me type" how you let that man back in your bed?

Jeannette.....there just isn't words for how naive she been about this dude. If the man will cheat on his wife, he gone definitely lie to you.

Stay tuned as the couples try to get it together

And as always, don't forget to vote, comment and share.

He's Like a Drugजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें