Getting along

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Henry POV

It's so good to be home, I love my job but being away for so long is so hard when your this close to your family. I've missed so many special occasions and I knew I couldn't miss this. I'm excited to tell them I'll be home for a few months, I don't have any projects lined up and that's how I plan to keep it. I need some time with my family and friends. Meeting Rosie was nice, I had heard so much about her from my mum and dad and they were definitely right she is a wonderful woman.

We are sat around just catching up, everyone looks so happy and I'm just glad to be here. I keep catching Rosie in my eye line, she is laughing with my dad about something and she looks beautiful. She's nothing like the woman I'm usually around. She is so care free and kind, she seems to fit in with this family so well. I'm hoping with me being home we can become good friends.

"So Rosie, what's your story then?"
"My story Henry?"
"Yeah. I want to get to know you"
"Well, you know my name, I'm 26 years old. I'm originally from a small town in Shropshire. I'm a professional dancer, I tour with my partner Kevin and I have a younger brother and an older sister"
"What about your folks?"
"Not around. Nothing to brag about really"
I notice I hit a nerve with that question so I decide to move past it.
"Ok. Now most important question DC or Marvel?"

She starts laughing "honestly?"
"Yeah sorry. Not into the whole superhero thing"
"Ok. Ok. I think I can look past that"
"Oh goody. So we can be friends"
"Yeah I think so"
Everyone starts laughing, we have drank many beers and ate a whole lot of food, but I'm definitely lagging. I've been up almost 24 hours and desperately need sleep.
"Well I gotta turn in guys"

They all look at me weirdly and I can see confusion.
"It's just Rosie was going to have your room, because we didn't think you'd be here"
Rosie stands up "it's fine guys. I'll just head home"
"No we can figure this out"
"Honestly it's fine. It's your room Henry, I won't take it from you"
"No don't be silly. You have the room I'll take the sofa"

"No really....."
"Rosie I insist, I'm the one who showed up unannounced so please take the room"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah I'm sure"
"Okay. Thank you Henry"
"No problem"
"Well I'm heading to bed then guys, I'll see you in the morning" she walks over to my dad and kisses him on the head and gives him a big hug.
"Happy birthday Mr Cavill"
"Thank you Rosie"
"Goodnight everything" she shouts as she walks up the stairs. And everyone reply's with a goodnight Rosie.

"Ok. well I'll grab you some sheets Henry"
"No mum it's okay. I'm a big boy I can do it"
"Alright sweetheart. Goodnight"
"Night all"
As I settle down on the sofa, thanking my mum and dad they got a decent size one, I can't help but think about Rosie. She really is a sweet woman and I'm looking forward to getting to know her. My family adore her and my family are usually great judges in characters.

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