Secrets And Control

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Rose is 19. Finn is 11

Rose pov

It had been a long time, such a long time since the boys went to war. They came back a few months ago, yet their minds were elsewhere. I wasn't the 15 year old they'd left behind, I was a woman now, not that I wanted to be of course. The war had torn my family apart, and I felt truly alone

"Finn, wash your hands before tea" you tell him as you help polly set the table. Finn had just come in from football and he was covered in dirt. But tea was nearly ready so a bath would have to wait

"He's fine, aren't you ay finn? Bit of dirt never hurt anyone" Arthur chuckles ruffling Finns hair up. I move Arthur away and take Finns hand, ushering him towards the sink where he washes his hands.

"If I tell him to wash his hands before tea then he'll do so. When you spend all day making the food, then you can decide if you want dirt in it or not. But since I did the cooking, I decide what's suitable for the table and what's not" i say pointing a table knife at Arthur as he puts his arms up in surrender. Everyone's come in for tea and sits down, complimenting my cooking

"Can I sleep over at Charlie's tonight?" Finn asks looking up at me. He wasn't my son clearly. And I treated him like a brother. But he knew that me and polly were in charge, and I cared about him so much

"Sorry mate, you've got a doctors appointment early tomorrow morning. Need to be ready and out the house by 7" I tell him as he groans in complaint

"Doctors appointment? How come?" John asked

"Just an annual checkup" polly explains

"You can sleep at Charlie's finn" Tommy says

"Tommy!" I gasp

"He doesn't need a check up Rose! The lads fine" Tommy grumbles

"Right, I give up. Do what you want finn!" I snapped, standing up and getting my coat to leave

Tommy pov

After Rose stormed out, it was silent for a few minutes before polly started talking

"That girls been through hell whilst you were away. You'll do well to remember that" polly warned

"Wasn't exactly a fucking holiday for us either pol" Arthur said

"You think I don't know that? These past 4 years have been horrid for you boys. But that don't mean it's been easy for the rest of us. Finn, you're going to that check up tomorrow like every other child does once a year. And as for you lot, if Rose makes a decision in this household, then that's final! She keeps this family on track, if it weren't for her, we would've fell apart a long time ago. Now I'm going to find Rose, in the meantime, grow up" polly snapped before leaving

"Hell? What does polly know about fucking hell? What happened with Rose? Did she not have enough clothes? Was she abit chilly in winter?" Arthur mocked as John laughed. That's when I noticed finn being awfully quiet as he looked down. They are all hiding something from us. I don't know what, but they are. I've known it since the day I came back

"Finn, what happened to Rose? I know there's something you aren't telling us" this got my brothers attention

"Nothing happened" he said not looking up

"Finn, come on, just tell us mate" John encouraged

"I can't, I promised I wouldnt" he groaned

"If you tell us, then we can help Rose and make her feel better" we tried to persuade him

"Fine, thing is, when you were gone, Rose was crying for months. She was sad all the time. But she got better and she was happy again. Went out partying alot. Polly had some trouble trying to control her. And then one day, on her 17th birthday, Rose went to the hospital in pain. She was screaming, I thought she was gonna die. When she came back, she had a baby in her arms"

"Rose had a baby? But...she...she's never been married. Pol would've made her get married" John said shocked

"She couldn't. The babies dad went to war before Rose found out. She wrote to him about it. But he died a few months later. The baby, called her Nelly. She was really cute and happy. She made Rose happy aswell, and aunt pol. Even ada liked her. But, she got sick last year. I don't know what was wrong, but the doctors came round all the time. And then one day, Rose went to wake Nelly up and she started screaming and crying. Nelly died in her sleep. Rose didn't move out of bed for ages, she didn't even go to the funeral. It lasted several months and she got out and was really protective. She didn't like me going too far or eating too much or top little. Worried if get a cold or anything"

"Fucking hell" Arthur groans putting his head in his hands

"She had a kid and never told us?" I muttered in shock

"She thought you'd be angry with her. Didn't want to dissapoint you. I think now, she's more angry with you, because you are over looking every decision she makes. It's making her feel like she wasn't a good mum, because you don't agree with any of her rules" I thanked finn and went into Birmingham, heading towards the one place I was sure Rose would be. She always went after mum died. And now she has other reasons. The cemetery.

Rose was sat with aunt pol, talking next to a grave stone, crying and smiling

"Rose" I said. She looked up at me and patted the ground next to her so I took a seat

"Finn told you didn't he?" Polly asked. I nodded

"That's OK, you were bound to find out somehow. I don't mean to be controlling Tom, I'm sorry, I just...I miss having someone who needed me, nelly was my little girl and I liked having that security that no matter how old, I'd always be her mother and nothing could change that" Rose said with small tears pooling in her eyes

"Don't apologise. We came back here and have tried to take over your lives. Me, John and Arthur, we don't like admitting that the families changed. We wanted to come back to you, still 15 years old, finn still a little boy, but you've grown up. We knew it would happen, but we weren't prepared for it" he hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead

"Just so you know, we are proud of you Rose, so much" I told her as she cried. She looked at me and nodded

"I just want my baby" she sobbed. Polly pulled her in for a tight hug as she screamed and cried for Nelly. Our poor sister, we left her alone in this world, and now she truly feels alone. Its all changed, everyone has suffered these past 4 years, and I don't know how we are supposed to get back to normal. It seems impossible

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⏰ Última actualización: Mar 01, 2023 ⏰

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