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Finn is 16. Work the others out.

Finn pov

I had come downstairs for some breakfast before I was going to the garrison. I didn't have anything else to do and I knew Arthur would be there. Aunt pol was sitting with me and we were making conversation. She was talking about me being careful with the blinders or something. I don't know. Wasn't really listening.

"Finn, will you go and wake rose up. She is coming the garrison with you"

I loved rose. I really did. But I didn't like taking her the garrison. It meant I had to be more careful with the amount I drink. And have to make sure she is safe. Which since she wanders, isn't easy. But none the less, I went upstairs and into roses room

"Rose. Get up and get dressed. We're going garrison. Move your arse you lazy sod" i said as I threw a Teddy that was on the floor at her bed. I couldn't see rose since she was under the covers. She was just ignoring me so she wouldn't have to get up. I walked over to the bed and quickly pulled the covers from her. But she wasn't there. In her place was a couple of pillows and a note. The note read

To family
It is dark outside
I don't know what time
Because Tommy hasn't taught me yet
But he says he will.
I am leaving but will be back soon.
I am just hungry
So I am going to see
If the chippy is open.
Love you

Oh jesus rose what have you done? She said it was stilk dark. Well it was currently 9am so it has been light for hours. Something must have happened to her. I rushed downstairs after reading the note to show it polly. She read it over and over again.

"Apparently ada is a black Swan. Since she is the only one in this family with even the slightest common sence." Polly said loudly. She slammed her hand on the table and grabbed her coat.

"I'm going to the garrison and will show this note your brothers. You stay here incase she comes back" so thats that's I did. I waited.

Tommy's pov

Me John and Arthur were in the garrison. It was early bit since when has that stopped us. Never. Finn was taking forever to get here. But polly burst through the doors first. She looked worried and angry. That was never good. Slamming a note on the table, I quickly took it and read it outloud.

"She should be back by now" John said quietly.

"Ye. She fucking should" pol yelled.

We needed to find rose.

"Finn will stay at home and wait for her. Me and Arthur will drive around and look for her. Polly, you ask around and check the chippy. John, go to all her favourite places and as crazy as it sounds, check the school. I will get Michael to check with transportation like trains and anything like that. To check if she has been seen. I will get the peaky blinders walking the streets searching for her. Let's go"

Me and Arthur got in the car and drove off. Fear overtook my body and my hands were shaking. Arthur was sweating and had the most nervous look I have ever seen on his face. We drove for an hour and hadn't seen her.

Polly pov

The first place I checked was the chippy. He told me that she had come in at around 3am asking For some chips and then she left. He didn't see any other people about except a group of drunk men about and hour later. That worried me more than anything. It would have been so easy for them to hurt her. Rose is so small and fragile. She had always been a sickly child but gorgeous none the less. Just small and not very strong. A few tears escaped my eyes at the thought of those men. Wiping them away, I kept walking and asking everyone I saw if they had seen her. I didn't need to describe her. Everyone knows rose shelby. She is loved by all in small heath but everyone fears her. Not rose herself. But what she brings with her. With rose, follows an angry looking brother who will cut you if you ignore her and kill you if you say the wrong thing. I had been asking for an hour and no luck.

John's pov

I checked all her favourite places. All but one. The last place possible was on Charlie's Yard in the barn. I ran towards the barn and couldn't see her. Dissapointment overwhelmed me. This was my last chance. I just had to hope someone else had found her. But then to my surprise, I heard a little giggle coming from outside the barn.

I went out to follow the sound and saw rose stroking a horse and feeding it. Every time it's mouth touched her hand, she let out a cute little giggle. I ran up to her and engulfed her into a hug. She hugged back but it was then followed by

"What was that for johnny"

"I thought you were fucking dead rose. Do you understand that! Ay? You left because you are hungry. And not only that, but it doesn't take more than 20 minutes to go to the chippy and back. Why were you gone so long?" I yelled at her.

Her eyes watered and I instantly felt bad.

"I was coming back but I saw a mouse and I followed it because...because it was cute. And then I...I saw th...the horsie and...and wanted to pl...play with it. I'm sorry Johnny. I didn't know you were scared" she was now in floods of tears and kept hiccuping. I hugged her and put her on my hip as we walked back. On the way back, we saw Tommy and Arthur in the car. They pulled over and both rushed out to scold and hug rose. She was still crying slightly so they weren't as hard on her.

"Rose. I was so worried. You remember this alright, if you ever want food, you come and wake me up and I will go with with to the chippy and get you food" Arthur said whilst kissing her head.

Tommy wasn't as kind

"You are in big trouble young lady. Fucking terrified that we lost you. This is Birmingham love. You can't go wandering off in the middle of the night and not return. I don't want to hear any excuse as to why you didn't come back straight away. Get in the car and we will talk later" he said in a scarily quiet voice.  But after he said that, he grabbed Rose from me and kissed her cheek. She apologised to us all for scaring her. God save her soul when she tells polly what happened.

Rose pov

I was In so much trouble. I didn't know that people were scared. I guess they care more than i thought. When we got in the car, I sat on Arthur's knee whilst he drove. This is my favourite seat in the car. Aunt polly never let's me do this so I can't ever tell her about it. Arthur Tommy and John made me swear on it.

Once we got home, aunt polly, finn and Michael were there. Finn rushed over and lifted me up whilst giving me loads of kissing making me laugh. Polly stood with a death glare and Michael gave me a hug. Slowly, I walked up to polly, aware that she may just kill me. But instead she bent down and hugged me.

"We will talk about you punishment later. Go to bed. You must be exhausted" those words took me by surprise but I wasn't going to argue.

"Arthur! Will you sleep with me please?" I said quietly looking at Arthur with my big blue eyes.

"A sleep in the middle of the fucking day? Ain't gonna say no to that. Come on then love" I giggle at his choice of words. He lifted me into the air and we went upstairs. When we were both ready, I got in bed and lay on his chest. One hand was wrapped around my waste, holding me. And the other was stroking my hair sending me into a deep sleep.

"Night Arthur. Sorry for today. Love you"

"Night darlin. Love you too"


Loved writing this one. 1433 words

Peaky blinders angel- Completed Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum