Adults drink

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Finn is 15. Work the others out

Y/n pov

I have been told my whole life (which I gather isn't very long) that whiskey was an adults drink. And that me, not being an adult could not have any. No one told me why. Whenever I asked, they just said that I was too young. Everyone is just being mean. They don't want me to be as cool as them so they set me different rules that only apply to me.

I never really understood the adult drink rule. The rule was that only adults were aloud to drink whiskey and I was only aloud to drink things if I knew I was aloud them. Like water. I was stuck with water. But it wasn't fair. Finn wasn't an adult. I heard aunt polly yelling at my brothers the other day saying that finn was just a boy. So he defiantly isn't a man as aunt pol knows everything about everything and she is never wrong. She told me so herself.

Whenever we went the garrison, I wasn't aloud to drink what my brothers had. I remember one time after years of pestering for a drink, John have me a sip of his. Arthur said I wouldn't like it and it would make me stop asking for it. But I did like it. And when I took the glass off him and tried to gulp the rest down, they stared at me. I told everyone that it was very nice and by that point, all eyes were on Arthur. They looked mad.

But that was an entire year ago. I have matured since then. I was ready to taste the drink that no child should drink. The beverage that belongs in the adults hands. The liquid that was created by Satan himself. Well, atleast that's what my brothers called it whenever I asked.

Finn was sat at the table with a whiskey in one hand and a cigarette in the other. I walked up to him and put my plan into action. The puppy dog eyes were switched on and the quivering lip was ready to work it's magic

"Finny?" I said with a fake sniff.

Finn looked at me and rushed to my side to see what was wrong. I told him that my teddy broke and I needed him to go upstairs to fix it. That wasn't entirely false. My Teddy had broken. Finn just didn't realise how little I cared for it. I had hundreds of teddies. But only one I cared about. And that one stayed on my bed and was only moved at night when I hugged it. Finn kissed my nose and wiped my tears. He went upstairs. Now was my chance.

I walked up to Finns drink and quickly drank it all. It left a burning sensation in my throat but I enjoyed it. I filled the drink back up so he wouldn't notice and when I heard footsteps coming downstairs, I turned the water works on once more.

"Here ya go rose. Good as new" finn said as he held up my Teddy that had been fixed.

"Yay. Thank you finny. Love you" I said as i kissed his cheek and walked out the room. He shouted a love you too and I continued to walk. I had finally tasted alcohol. And not just a sip like before. A glass of whiskey. I felt no different so I didn't why I shouldn't keep tricking people. It was really fun. And good news is that there is always someone in my family drinking. I have not seen us all in a room together without alcohol before.

I walked out the house and went to the garrison. Arthur was sat there with his new wife Linda. She was arguing with him about his drinking. I never liked Linda. She was a bitch. I walked up to them and tugged on Linda's dress. She looked down at me and stopped yelling.

"What is it rose?" Although I didn't like her, she wasn't mean to me. She was just mean to my brothers. Without saying a word, I showed her my knee which I had previously covered in mud to look as if I fell over. I had puppy dog eyes and a single tear rolled down my face.

"Oh dear love. Come her. I'll get you cleaned up." Arthur said. It was working perfectly. Now all I needed was for Linda to be her annoying twat face self and I would be good to go.

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