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Finn is 13

Rose pov

I spent last night in Finns arms. We fell asleep on the sofa together and i am assuming someone carried us up since we are both in bed. Finn was snoring loudly as he clung onto me like a soft Teddy bear. But I couldn't sleep. Darkness still covered Birmingham but today didn't matter. It was Christmas day. Now people call it a day of giving and receiving. Of celebrating Christ's birthday. The time to be around loved ones. But let's all be honest. As a 5 year old, my main concern is presents and food. Every year without fail, polly and ada worked hard to make the most delicious Christmas Dinner ever. And this year, ada promised i could help them.

With the thought of presents waiting for me down stairs, I started jumping on the bed in order to wake finn. A groan came from him as he lifted his head only to slam in back into the pillow. So I did the only reasonable thing to do. I pulled on his hair until he was sitting up.

"Get up finny. Don't you remember! It's Christmas you daft bugger. Now get up and let's wake the others" i jumped off the bed to leave the room but finn grabbed me and put me back on his lap.

"Rose, I say this with love, you are a proper prick sometimes. Let me sleep. Its 4am and if the sky isn't awake, then I'm not awake. And you shouldn't be either. Look outside. It's still dark. Which means sleepy time" he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Screw him. If he wasn't going to come and enjoy the most wonderful day of the year, then I would enjoy it without his lazy arse. I jumped out of his arms and ran downstairs. It would take far to long to wake them all up individually. So I had a plan. Not caring if anyone heard me, I went to the cupboard and got a pots and pans. This should get everyone up. My feet took me back upstairs and i stood in the landing, everyone was staying round pollys for Christmas so everyone was sleeping here. Even ada and I didn't see her very often. With all the strength I had in my tiny arms, I bashed the pots and pans together whislt screaming for everyone to get up. Or in my words, move their lazy arses.

I put the pans on the floor and smiles up at the faces watching me. Everyone had come out of their rooms except for finn. Everyone's hair was sticking up on ends and John was using his blanket to cover himself up. I'm not sure why. Didn't he own pyjamas? And why did esme not come out. But no matter what the reason, he looked more angry than anyone. And that's saying something as no one was as happy as I suspected they would be.

"What the fuck?" Ada said sleepily.

"It's Christmas. We should go and open presents and then we can start cooking and then we can eat" the smile on my face was huge as I explained our day. Without a word, Arthur picked me up and took me into his room as everyone went back in their rooms. Probably to get ready in their nice clothes. But John did give me the finger before he left. I was flabbergasted at how someone could be so cruel. I am his sister. The most adorable and perfect shelby to have ever walked the face of the earth. Arthur sat me on his bed and was looking through his wardrobe for something to wear.

"Now listen, everyone else is going to go back to sleep. But I was awake anyway so me and you are going to go on a walk for abit whilst everyone else sleeps."

"Yay. But why can't me and you just started cooking"

"2 reasons. 1, we need to be out if the house cuz I know there is no way to get you back to sleep when your this excited and that will wake the others. 2, if me and you tried to cook then we wouldn't have any food to eat. It would either be gone when everyone comes down or burnt to a crisp" I just sighed as I waited for him to get dressed.

After 10 minutes, he was finally dressed. Honestly, men take so long. He picked me up and put a finger to his lips, signalling for me to be quiet. I copied his action as we went into my room for me to get dressed.

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