Requested- Protect part 2

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Rose pov

"Useless. Bloody useless" he screamed in my face. The sisters just stood and watched. He started to try and touch me but i slapped his hand away. Fear shot through my body and screams left my lungs but he covered my mouth with his dirty hand.

"If you don't comply to my orders then I will be forced to go and say a little hello to the little girl your so fond of. Tina isn't it?" He asked. Just her beautiful name on his filthy lips was enough to make me heave. But letting him dn things to her would truly make me sick. And so I had no choice. I complied.

I woke up with a jolt. Lying in a pool of sweat and tears. Tommy was next to me stroking my hair back as the tears flowed down my cheeks.

"It was just a dream darling. It wasn't real" he told me. I nodded unconvincingly and cuddled deeper into his side. We were in his bed and Tina was on his chest, snoring happily. What he said was a lie. It was real. Maybe not present day but it had happened. A few weeks ago, on my fifth birthday, the man went from beating me daily to doing what he called 'big girl beatings' daily. And knowing that Tina was at a risk if I spoke, I allowed him to and didn't stop him. It didn't take long for me to go back to sleep but I awoke many times in the night with different nightmares about 3 men. All of which called me 'their toy'. Disgusting.

Tommy pov

It was 9am when I woke up. I ended up waking Rose up 5 times in the night because of nightmares but it had to be done. There was morning this and I would find out what. I felt a comfortable weight on my chest and looked down to see my baby sister sleeping soundly whilst the shekby angel was lying next to me, curled up in a ball as my arm wraps around her.

"Buenos días" she mumbled sleepily causing me to chuckle.

"You're gonna have to teach me some Spanish sweetheart" she turned to face me with a small smile on her face.

"So, did you live in Spain because you got the accent" I asked. I didn't want to bring uo her parents incase it triggered anything so I chose my words carefully.

"Sí. I lived in Spain with my papa until we moved to England 2 years ago." I smiled at her enthusiasm. I could tell she loved her country. I carefully stood up as did Rose as Tina stayed snoring on my chest. I was confused as ti how she was still seeing after all the talking and moving about

"She can sleep through anything" sensing my confusion, rose told me. I nodded and chuckled as we got ready for the day. They didn't have many clothes with them so John came round with a few clothes. They should last a week and we will go shopping for some more clothes soon. They also needed a bed and to decorate their room. A play room and a cot for Tina. For now, they will sleep in my bed with me. I was determined to be the favourite brother. Once we were all dressed, we went downstairs for some breakfast. Bacon for breakfast but rose looked confused.

"I know I'm not as good as some but I'm not that bad a cook" I said to her as she stared at the food.

"lo siento. What is it?"
Sorry. She asked me. My jaw hung open as i looked at her. Poor girl hadn't even had Bacon.

"It's Bacon baby. Delicious" I told her as I cut it up for her. I got some on a fork and fed her a piece. Her eyes lit up and she quickly ate the rest.

"What is it made from" she asked me. I wasn't sure what to say. I couldn't say it was piglets. Wasn't sure how she would react to that. When I didn't answer she said

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