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Finn is 18

Tommy pov

Me, michael, arthur, John, finn and Isaiah were walking home with rose. She was infront of us skipping happily.  We had been at the garrison all day and Rose had asked us all to take her home. I think she was getting bored which is understandable. She is only 5 after all. A pub isn't the most interesting of places for little girls. We could have stayed and one of us walk her back, but we were just gonna drink more at home once Rose was in bed. As we were walking, we heard someone wolf whistle. When we looked at who it was, it was a grown man, clearly drunk, and probably about 40. There were about 6 of them all watching Rose. He looked fucking high and was staring at her skirt. She is 5 for fucks sake. My blood boiled with rage. All the boys clenched their fists as I grabbed roses hand. We could see the house from where we were. I bent down to her level to talk to her as the boys pinned the man against the wall and his pathetic friends.

"Rose. Now you listen clearly alright. You are gonna go inside and find polly. Just tell her that a man whistled at you and that we were sorting everything out"

"But what are you sorting out Tommy. There isn't anything to sort out" she said. God she was so innocent.

"We will have a chat when I get back which won't be long darling." I kissed her cheek and she ran off home. I then turned around to look at all the men. The boys had them all pinned to a wall. The men were too drunk to fight back. They tried to struggle but were just too weak and high to have the strength.

"We will have some fun" I said as we dragged the men into an alley. It was dark and dirty there. They all trembled, knowing exactly what was going to happen. We all started beating them up until they were practically begging for death. We made sure we broke their spines so they would die anyway. And then, we all got out our guns, and shot them. A bullet through the brain, killed them instantly. We had already harmed them. I didn't see any reason to carry it on. I was fucking freezing and wanted to go inside.

Rose pov

I ran inside the house and was about to find polly when I forgot what it was Tommy wanted me to say. I sort of knew but didn't know exactly what to say. It didn't help that I didn't understand what he meant so It wasn't like I could fill in the gaps. I went back outside and just caught Tommy walking in an alley. My little legs ran towards him and followed him in the alley. I was about the shot his name when I saw a bunch of men. So I stayed and watched. And boy do I regret it. My family were hurting these men who probably had families to go to and children to love. I ran out of the Alley and as I ran towards the house, I heard a sequence of gunshots coming from the alley.

I slammed the door of the house shut and decided to forget what happened. If they knew I was eavesdropping, then they might do the same thing they did those poor men, but to me. And I was quite fond of living. It may have its downs but I must spent my days being treated like a princess. Even at school I didn't get homework when everyone else did. I was too pretty to die.

Everyone walked in the the living room and sat down with me. Ada and polly walked in from the kitchen, moments later and sat down with us. Tommy tried to sit next to me. Probably to have that talk. But I was so scared that I ran and sat next to ada.

"I know he's an ugly bugger sweetpea but you just gotta get used to it" ada said as she stroked my hair. This comment made Tommy scoff and John to chuckle.
But they continued to talk anyway.

"Now Rose. What I'm about to tell you is very important. And it breaks my heart that I have to explain this to you when your so little. But it needs to be said. Ya know how those men whistled at ya?"

"" I said stuttering over my own words.

"Well that was a bad thing. If any man does that to you, ya gotta run. My Co workers are everywhere around Birmingham. And they all know ya face. So you just go up to one of them and hold there hand the intire way until you are safe with someone in this room. You will know who are my co workers by the shiny thing that sticks out of their hats. Is this understood? Because we don't want to see you getting hurt. And defiantly don't think what they did was right. Because it wasn't!"

"I understand t...t...tommy" damn it. I stuttered again. I was just so scared. Tommy was intimidating anyway. But I never thought he would hurt me. Now I wasn't so sure.

Everyone began to talk again amongst themselves. They were all drinking and I sat on adas lap as she stroked my hair. Unsure where it came from, I had a spurt of courage to speak up and ask the questions I so needed answering.

"Why did you hurt those men? What if they had families to go home to. What will their wives think. They will be so sad. You could have ruined someone's life by ending someone else's." I shouted as tears pooled in my eyes. I wouldn't let them fall. I just wouldn't.

"Rose. What the fuck you on about" polly asked.

"They killed the men. The men that didn't do anything. I saw them do it. And don't lie because I saw you beat them up and I heard the gunshots" those words accidently came out as a yell. I didn't mean for them to but I was so angry and scared that I didn't know what else to do.

"I told you to go fucking home Rose. Didn't I tell ya that. But you deliberately disobeyed me" Tommy yelled as he stood up and pointed his finger. He did not sound happy. Polly then chimed in.

"Don't you blame Rose. It isn't her fault for what she saw. You need to be more cautious. If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times. She will find out. And you're just gonna have to deal with it. You make these decisions. So now you need to decide how to deal with it now you've been caught" she stormed out after that but not before slapping Tommy around the face.

"Ada can we speak to rose alone please" so ada got up and left. It was now just me and the boys.

"We are sorry for what you saw darling. We didn't mean for it to happen" Arthur started.

"We did it because that man whistled at you. And if he treats women and girls that way then he doesn't deserve his wife and we did her a favour" Isaiah stated.

I was confused. "But I don't understand. Why didn't you just ask them politely?"

At this they snorted and John chuckled. He then said "because sometimes we can't control our anger. And when you get treated like that, it makes us more angry than anything. Those men didn't deserve a simple warning. Some things in life won't be sorted until you kill the root of the problem. They just so happened to be the root"

I ran up to Tommy and hugged him tightly. "I'm sorry I yelled at you all. Thank you for caring about me. But please don't hurt too many people. Because not everyone deserves it"

"We won't love. We only hurt those who deserve it. And you, can just pretend like it never happens. That's what we do" I just nodded and gave everyone else a hug. I was so scared of my brothers when I saw what they did. But i think I understand now. They are just looking out for me. Finn and Isaiah gave me a kiss on the cheek and then left to go drink. Arthur mentioned a whore house but that is another thing I was told to forget about.

"So which one of you lucky bastards is gonna sleep with me tonight?"

They just chuckled and no one answered. So I chose myself.

"Come on Michael. I choose you" I said as I grabbed onto his hand and lead him upstairs. We lay down and he cuddled into me. I loved Michael. He was like another brother to me. Not a cousin. I tried my best to forget the events of today. But I just couldn't. So I decided instead that I would remember why my family did what they did. It was to protect the good and get ride of the evil. They were trying to save me from a world of pain by destroying anything to hurt me. But deep down I knew that was impossible. They can't stop me getting hurt. As much as they wish they could. Things just happen. And there isn't anything we can do. I hugged Michael tighter and fell sleep


1600 words

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