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Finn is 11

Arthur pov

I woke up after an awful nightmare of the war. The trenches and the mines. All the people I saw die and all the late men I know I am responsible for. But when i saw the sun beaming through a gap in the curtains, I was relieved for the night to finally be over. Snoring softly, Rose lay on my chest with her small arms wrapped around me. No recollection of her joining me in bed came to mind so i could only assume that she had tiptoed in when I was asleep. Rose had spent the night at mine as I promised to take her the fair today and it was just easier to go straight from my house. I stood onto the cold floor in just my underwear and Rose in one arm.

Her snores told me she was still asleep as we walked down the stairs to make breakfast. I entered the kitchen and saw Tommy and John drinking my whiskey as they waited for me. Both pair of eyes landed on me as I went over to the toaster.

"U weren't made aware you lot were coming the fair" I told them as I put the bread in the toaster.

"We aren't going the fair today Arthur. We have business to attend to. It will still be there tomorrow" Tommy answered. This pissed me off. I had promised Rose that we could go to the fair and it wouldn't be here tomorrow. It was the last day before they packed up and left.

"No. I'm taking Rose the fair and that's final" I said. Rose began to wake up in my arms but she just snuggled closer to me.

"We going fair today Arthur?" She asked in her sleepy voice.

"Sorry luv. The fair will be back next year" John told her.

"But Arthur promised he would take me the fair. You did promise Arthur didn't you" she looked at me with her big puppy eyes and her bottom lip sticking out.

"I did promise. And I won't go against my word"

"Arthur-" John was about to argue with me but I wouldn't let him.

"We will sort this business out and then go the fair. And you 2 are coming with us" I told them as the toast popped up.

"Yay." Rose said but she was still very sleepy. Jam and butter was spread onto her toast before I handed her to John and went to get dressed.

John pov

Rose sat on my knee, munching on her toast as I gave Tommy a worried look. Their wasn't really business to sort out. We just didn't want Rose going the fair. Arthur wasn't aware of this, but polly took her the doctor and we got a call back today. Rose has been having breathing struggles when she walks for too long or even laughs too much. The doctor informed us gat she needs to try and rest and has given her some medicine to take every night before bed. We didn't want Arthur to know as it was quite serious and he would lose himself if he found out. The doctor said that if it will probably just get worse and we will be lucky if she lives to the age of 16. That of course broke me and Tommy when we found out. The pair of us cried for hours about the little amount of life she would have, but we pulled ourselves together and are trying to ignore it. Rose wasn't too bad for now and we can't spend the next 10 years worrying constantly about the day she might die.

Tommy sat staring at her as she finished her breakfast with a tear in his eye. He then excused himself and went outside for some fresh air, no doubt to have a cry where no one would see him. Arthur came down fully dressed and ready for this 'business' we had planned. It was really just trying to figure out who stole from us even though no one has so we should be there all day considering there are literally no clues to the fake crime.

"Where's Tommy gone?" He said as he lifted rose up and gave her a big kiss on the cheek.

"Needed some fresh air." I replied truthfully. Arthur just hummed in reply and left the room with rose in his arms. Tears rolled down my face as I tried to keep myself together for the sake of my sister.

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