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Finn is 18

Rose pov

School. The pain and suffering i am forced to endure for 6 hours every day. Only to have 2 so called glorious days off spent doing homework. What a shit little life i lead. I was sat in history learning about queen elizibeth when i decided i had enough. So i simply stood up and walked out. I couldnt be arsed with it all. Like who cares?

I made my way to the only place i enjoyed. The garrison. Yes. The only place me, a 5 year old, enjoys is a pub filled with drunk pricks. I entered the fantastic pub and could almost taste the alcohol. It was a smell that rested on my tongue. My eyes caught sight of finn isaiah john and arthur. They were sat drinking and having a laugh. I walked up to them slugishly and took a sip of johns drink before he snatched it from my hands.

"Please john. You wouldnt believe the day ive had" i said as i rolled my eyes. He chuckled and gave me back the glass.

"Dont tell polly or she'll have my balls. Now why dont you tell us why you are here"

"I realised whilst in history that i already knew everything there was to know about the world. So i walked out" i took a sip of johns drink as i said this.

"Oh ye? And what av you learnt" arthur asked.

"Someone really boring did something really boring and then died in a really boring way a really long time ago in a really boring era" i replied look at him. Finn messed up my hair and everyone chuckled at my explanation. I mean, i wasnt wrong.

We finished our drinks and arthur offered to walk me home. I had to stay until school had finished otherwise aunt pol would know that i skived off. When we left the pub, i held onto his hand and rested my face on the bottom of his arm. I was so tired. And really cold. And bored

"Are we nearly there yet?" I asked in a sing song voice.

"Fuck off rose dont be so fucking lazy" he replied as he ruffled my hair. Why do people do that. I clearly dont enjoy it and i make it obvious from the scowl i give him. As we kept walking home, i noticed we walked past my friends house. He is my best friend but hasnt been in school for 3 days. My brothers dont like him hanging out with me but they treat him well. Tommy and finn always buy us sweets and arthur likes to take us to watch football. I ran kff from arthur and banged on my friends door. He wasnt answering. So i banged again. Still no reply.

"Darling. Whats going on?"

"Ben hasnt been in school for 3 whole days. And he isnt answering the door"

A look of worry placed itself on arthurs face. He kicked down the door and we rushed inside. I was shocked at arthurs actions. I thought he liked ben. When we entered, the house looked clean but empty. It felt cold as if no one had been here for days. And a horrid smell filled the air. Arthur was frozen in shock looking at some letter that was left on the table. I heard him mutter something about 'suicide'. I may be little. But i still know what it is. And it isnt good. I suddenly remembered when bens dad picked him up from school, he told us to say goodbye to eachother. And he hugged me like it was our last hug.

Worry ached in every bone of my body as i rushed upstairs. Arthur was yelling my name but i wasnt listening. I opened the first door and checked the room. Nothing. I opened the second door. Nothing. Once i got to the third room, the smell overwhelmed my nostrils. I opened the door and saw ben, his parents and his older sister, all hanging from a rope. They were all pale and the smell shattered my nose. I looked at bens face. His eyes were still open but there was no life in them.  I felt my body crumble to the ground and arthur catching me.

Tommy pov

I was walking back with my brothers. They had just been the garrison but pol had sent me to tell them tea was ready. As we walked past a house, we noticed the door had been knocked down. I recognised the house as roses friend ben. I hadnt seen the little bugger in days. As we passed the house, we heard a blood curdling scream coming from inside. It sounded like rose. Without a second thought, we all rushed inside the house and followed the sound of screaming.

When we reached the sound, my brothers froze, but i was too busy of taking rose from arthur to notice what was happening. When i stood up, i saw it. A familt all hung next to one another. And at the end, was ben. It was a horrid sight, one that rose should never have seen. I carried her outside as she kifked and screamed.

"Nooo. I want ben. I want ben. Tommy. Please. Get ben" she creamed to me as she hiccuped. If she kept crying like this then she would surely throw up. I rubbed her back soothingly. My brothers joined us outside. John went to go let someone know whats happened. This needs investigating. It is an entire family. A 5 year old. And a 13 year old. And 2 parents. Its not your usual suicide case.

Once we got to pollys, she rushed outside before we even walked towards the house. She could clearly hear roses screams. Rose clung onto polly for dear life as we all walked inside. Finn made us some tea as we sat down. No one said a word. But rose was still screaming in pollys arms as she was rocked to sleep. Eventually, she closed her eyes and the room fell silent.

"What the fuck happened?" pol asked quietly as not to wake rose who was still in her arms.

"Ya know thay kid she hangs around with. Ben. Well we went to check on him as he hasnt been seen in days. The house was clean but you could smell the dead bodies" arthur told her.

"What dead bodies. What are you on about?"

"Bens. And his sister and parents. All hung themselves. Well, the parents forced his sister ally to hang herself. But ben didnt know what he was doing. There is a note" and so he read out the note.

As a family, we cant keep living like this. My wife and i want nothing more than to get away from this horrid world. It is a disgraceful place. I will explain what is happening so no investigation needs to be made. I am killing myself. And so is my wife. Our daughter ally unerstands it all amd is trying to help but we dont want to go to heaven without our kids. And so we have told ben its a fun game. Ally is smart enough to know she will die and so we tied her up before we hung her. My wife is about to step off her chair and i shall follow after this letter is written. I cant leave my children behind. They had to die with us.

Dominic stewart

We were in shock. The worst part is he thought that by killing his kids, he was saving them and himself. Bastard. Rose was still sleeping in pollys arms. No one said a word. We just sat in silence. How can a father do that to his kids. Force them to hangthemselves. Our father was a cock but bens dad is on another fucking level of cruel. And rose saw. We could have told her he moved away or an accident happened. But she saw with her own eyes. That little girl knows. And she wont ever...ever forget!


This is one of the darkest ones i have written. 1380 words.

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