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Rose is 3 days at the beginning. Finn is 17. They will age with time skips

Arthur pov

I was in the back at the garrison with finn, isiah and John. Tommy didn't join us because he had business to handle. Doesn't tell us fuck. We were playing cards and unfortunately, John had won the last 3 games. 100% sure he is cheating just don't know how yet. The door opened and in walked Harry the Barman

"Arthur, there's a lady here to see ya. Says its urgent" he explained. I motioned for him to bring her in expecting either a whore wanting money or a second hand victim wanting revenge. In walked a woman in her mid 40s holding a tiny baby wrapped in an old blanket

"Can I help you miss?" I asked putting my cards down

"Arthur shelby. I'm Susanne Barnes. Head of the brothelhouse on White Street in London. I believe you visited us months back" I Definetly wasn't expecting her. Although a whore was close

"I've been once or twice. Why?" I asked

"9 months ago, one of my girls got pregnant by you. She was 24. She died in childbirth 3 days ago. The baby was a girl. First day, we stayed in London making sure she was healthy. Second day I spent finding you and now on her 3rd day of life, we came to small heath." I was shocked. I couldn't remember how long ago it was but 9 months sounded about right

"" I couldn't get my words out. John's jaw was hanging open, Finns eyes were wide and Isaiah had stood up over the womans shoulder to get a glimpse of the baby

"Aw she's gorgeous Arthur" he said but I couldn't reply

"I named her rose after her late mother. If you keep her then feel free to change the name. If you don't want her then I will either raise her myself and at age 15, she can work at the brothel or send her to the local orphanage. I havnt decided yet but I hope you make the right choice" she said.

"He'll keep her" John blurted out. I looked at him and hit in round the head

"I can't look after a kid" I said

"She's your daughter Arthur. You're shocked so im making the decision for you. Once you wrap your head around it, you'll thank me" he whisper yelled to me. I nodded weakly as he stood up and took the baby in his arms

"I need to go back for my girls now. Thank you" miss Barnes said as she left. John placed the little girl in my arms and I looked down at her. Her eyes were fluttering open and her little hand had held my finger

"Rose Shelby" I muttered as I kissed her head.

4 years later

Arthur pov

I had received a letter a few days ago but I was yet to open it. It was from my father but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I sat in my office, staring at the letter infront of me for a good hour before I was pulled out of my trance by John

"I'll read it" he offered

"Don't be fucking daft. I can't let you do that" I said not taking my eyes off the letter. Instead of arguing, John just came over and took my letter from my desks. He read it and then stopped deadly still

"You're gonna wanna read this Arthur" he said. I grabbed the letter from him. It read

Dear my son, Arthur Jr

4 years ago, I did something which I am now coming to regret. I gave away a prized possession which at the time, I didn't realise would be so emotional valuable. My daughter. Yes, you have another sister. I got a woman pregnant at the brothel on White Street London. She died and I lied to the woman who ran it. The woman came knocking on my door asking for Arthur shelby. I made a fake name and gave her your address. I don't know what has happened to her. It must have been a shock. But that little girl isn't your daughter. I'm sorry. You know where I am. Please come and speak with me about her whereabouts. If she isn't in your custody then I want to know the orphanage and if she is, then we are about to have a battle for this little girl. I know you won't give her up. But she's my daughter and I won't let her down again

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