The boy in my head

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Rose is 7. Finn is 13

Finn pov

I had been forced to pick rose up from school today. Since polly caught me skiving off, she basically dragged me to the school gates and then left me there. Rose came out with her teacher. She looked happy as Larry but her teacher wore a concerned look on her face. She beckoned me over

"Are you here to pick her up?" She asked

"Ye. I'm her brother" the teacher handed me a note and said

"Please give that to her guardian, Arthur shelby. Its very important he understands the extent of my concerns so they can be addressed eith the proper forum" and with that, she ushered rose over to me and then walked off with a relieving sigh. I know us shelbys aren't golden at school but we ain't that bad

I walked her home and back to Arthur's house. Polly was there waiting for me to make sure I hadn't just abandoned rose in the middle of no where

"Daddy" rose yelled running towards Arthur with her arms wide open. He crouched down and then lifted her onto his hip, kissing her cheek. She had called him daddy since she could talk. He adopted her, and raised her, so why shouldn't he get the title of father?

"How was school my darling?" Arthur asked stroking down her hair. She just shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the ground

"That doesn't look like a very happy face" aunt pol said reaching up and stroking her cheek

"Teacher told me give you this arthur" I said handing him the letter. I think he could tell by my expression that it certainly wasn't good. I don't know what it said, but I still know its clearly bad or troubling news. He put rose down on the ground so he could open it

"Daddy, can I play with my dolls now?" She asked. Arthur didn't reply, he was too busy staring at whatever was wrote on the page

"Er..course you can love. Your dad's just abit busy right now" polly answered for her. With a smile on her face, rose rushed up the stairs

"Arthur, what is it?" I asked

"Get Tommy and John here now" he said. Polly went and called them. Within 20 minutes, everyone was sat waiting for Arthur to read the letter out

Arthur pov

I read it over and over in my head. But reading it out loud felt so much more....real. Like its actually happening

"Right, why are we all here then?" John asked

"Well go on then Arthur" polly encouraged me

"Dear Mr Arthur shelby,
I'm writing to express some concerns I have over Rosaline Shelby. Recently, she has become quite disruptive in class. The occasional yelling, a few tantrums. It has gotten worse over the weeks and the staff began questioning what may have caused the sudden decline in behaviour. After asking Rosaline about any changes in her life, she began informing us of a boy named Dylan. She claims that Dylan is a voice living in her head, telling her what to do and when to do it. At first thought, you may think of imaginary friends. However I believe it extends beyond such childish fantasies and has become a mental issue. Rosaline has began saying some unusual things and claims Dylan tells her to hit people. I fear it may go beyond hurting people and instead could come to something alot more serious. Please, for rosalines health and the health of others, help us find out the root of this issue so we can solve the issue together. If it isn't sorted, I worry other staff may phone the mental asylum. Believe me, that is the last thing I want for the sweet girl

Kind regards, Miss Kelly"

I finished reading and everyone was silent. No one quite knew what to say but then there was a loud bang upstairs. Then no noise for a few seconds before their was a terrifying scream. We all ran up the stairs to roses room and saw her sitting by her dolls, knees to her chest and sobbing. I rushed over and picked her up

"Sshh, what's happened sweetheart?" I asked sitting her on her bed. We looked around for the source of the bang but couldn't see anything

"I...I j...jumped from book" she sobbed. I looked over at the bookcase. She must've climbed up to the top

"Are you hurt?" John asked crouching infront of her. She showed him her elbow which had a graze on it but wasn't too bad

"Oh no. We'll have to chop it off" John told her making her giggle

"I'll get the first aid kit" polly gave a more sensible solution. I didn't want to ask, but I knew there were questions that needed answering

"Honey, why did you jump off the book case?" I had wiped her tears away and she was now just sniffing

"He told me to" she cried

"Who did love?" Tommy asked

"Finn, come here" she whispered using her hand to usher him forward. He stepped closer, a bit scared of what she would do. She out her mouth to his ear and whispered something

"Shall we tell the others?" Finn asked but she shook her head

"They'll send me away finny" rose exclaimed with a quivering lip

"Don't be daft. Just tell us what the matter is ay love. I promise, we won't send you anywhere" John told her

"Sandra says I'm mad. She says mad people get sent away to the nut house. That's where Sophie Parker's big brother went. No one seen him since. I don't want to go away" she cried. Tommy came over and wiped her tears

"You aren't going anywhere. That's a promise. But we can only make sure you get help at home if you tell us who told you to jump from the book case" he said

"It was Dylan. He's a boy who lives in my head. Tells me to do stuff. I don't like him, but when he tells me to do something, I can't stop myself" polly came upstairs, clearly having listened outside the door. She put a plaster on roses scrape and then rose jumped into my arms

"Can we go downstairs now Daddy?" She asked. I lifted her up and we all went downstairs. We tried to ignore the problem so I could ask her in private later on. Maybe then she wouldn't be so shy. At night, when I tucked her into bed, I sat down next to her

"You look sad daddy" she said

"Im not sad. I'm just worried" I admitted

"Dylan says we shouldn't be worried. Everything happens for a reason and no one can say otherwise. Its all gods plan"

"Love, this is whats making me worried. I don't like this Dylan guy. He's taking away my little girl and I'd like her back. Your teacher told me you've been hurting other students. Did Dylan tell you to do that aswell?" I asked. She nodded her head

"I didn't want to hurt them daddy. Please believe me" she begged

"I believe you my love. I do, I promise. I know you are so kind. Can you do something for me? Next time you hear Dylan's voice, can you tell him to fuck off. I know you think he'll hurt you. But I promise you, he is just in your head. He can't hurt you if you decide he doesn't exist. I want to know when he's speaking to you and what he's saying. We'll keep abit of a diary and see if this fuck off thing makes Dylan go away. Sound like a plan?" She nodded with a big smile on her face

"I love you daddy"

"I love you too princess. Now get some sleep. If you need anything, no matter what time, you know where my room is" rose nodded her head and I went to walk out. But I couldn't do it. With this guy infecting her brain, I was terrified for what she may do without me there to stop her. I turned around, lifted her out of bed and carried her to my room

"Am I sleeping with you?" She asked

"Yes darling. It's safer that way" I told her

"Yay" she yelled jumping on the bed. We can get through this. We can get Dylan out of her head and she will just be rose again. Rose fucking shelby. Always our shelby angel

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