I want mama

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Rose is 2. Finn is 13

Polly pov

Rose has always called me mama despite me biologically being her aunt as I am for her siblings. For a short period of time she called me polly. However one day she started calling me mama and no one told her otherwise. I was a little worried about what the boys would say however they were perfectly fine with it.

Her and the boys have the same father however roses mother was a young woman fooled by Arthur Sr's short term romance. She died in childbirth and I have been raising Rose for her. She was a good woman and I was honoured she allowed Rose to be under my care.

For the first time since Rose was born, i will be leaving her overnight. She loves her brothers so much and they treat her like a princess. Spoil her rotten. However she has always been a mamas girl and so can get upset when u go away. I can't imagine this going well for Tommy who is looking after her

Tommy pov

I have been given the duty of watching Rose overnight. I love my sister and will babysit anytime however it is rarely needed and when I do babysit, I soon regret it. Rose cries whenever polly leaves the room and wails for her mama. Which is why I never babysit because polly never leaves her. Polly had no choice tonight. She had to leave for a funeral of an old friend. It was in London of the Sunday so Saturday afternoon, polly was going to get the train and stay overnight with a friend who will also be attending the funeral

Right now, it was 2pm Saturday. Polly was leaving in an hour.

"You need anything love?" Polly asked rose as my little sister bit the ear off her Teddy

"Milky pwease" she said. Poll left the room to go and get the milk and I watched rose, knowing what was to come. She looked around the room and once she has confirmed polly wasn't here, she let out a loud cry. I put the newspaper down and went over to pick her up

"Mama" she screamed at the top of her lungs. Polly hurried in and I handed her my sister.

"Sshhhh. Its alright baby. Im right here" polly said as she sat her on her knee. She fed her bottle and slowly, rose drifted off to sleep. Polly carefully lifted rose up and walked over to me

"I'm gonna go now before she wakes up. If anything happens call me. She needs a bottle before bed or she won't sleep. And she only has syrup not honey. Don't forget she sleeps with her Teddy but not Mr snuggles or Mrs snuggles because she says they are going through a messy divorce at the minute. Dont-" she whispered but I interrupted

"Pol, calm down. I've got this. She'll be fine. If anythings needed then I'll call you but I promise to give her back in one peace" polly nodded unsure and left before she changed her mind. I looked down at my sleeping sister

"This is easy" i muttered to myself. Boy did that fucking change. The minute rose woke up, she cried and cried for her mama. It was half 5 and she was still crying. That was when finn walked in. I was in the kitchen bouncing rose up and down whilst trying to calm her and not shoot myself in the head

"Woah. You've not even been looking after her for 5 hours and already you're doing a shit job" finn said

"Finn, either help or fuck off" I told him

"I came back for tea" he said sitting down at the table

"So? Make some?" I told him as I tried to shush the crying toddler

"You want ME to make my own food? Like actually make it? Use an oven and everything?" He asked shocked. I suddenly realised who I was talking to

"Ugh. Fine. Hold ya sister and I'll make ya something" I grumbled as I handed him rose.

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