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Rose is 17. Finn is 12

Rose pov

It's hard to appreciate the simple things in life when they are staring you in the face. The colours of a rainbow, feathers of a bird, even your own family. Well I never thought of these things as privileges. Instead, they were just there, for everyone, and it was a part of life which won't ever change. That was until the day the world turned dark. I went to sleep without a care in the world, and awoke in a state of distress and fear. Now fear makes people do very stupid things, it manipulates you until you feel sane, but to the outside world, you are infact utterly bonkers.

The night before, I had been dancing in Tommy's living room. Him and Arthur drinking as they watched me and John dance up and down to the music. I wasn't drunk, I know it's hard to believe. But I've never had to get drunk to be fun, to do things ridiculous and exciting. Who cares what others think? So I danced and i sang as John spun me around, cheering when I almost fell over. My eyes had been itchy and sore, but hardly anything I was concerned about. If I had known then, I would've rushed to the doctors, but instead, I rubbed away the itch and kept dancing

The morning I awoke, it was like someone had turned the light off, abandoning me in the dark. Reaching out to see if it was real, I felt my bedside table and began sobbing. The fear of what was happening took over my body and I began screaming in agony, not physical, but emotional. It was excruciating, a nightmare in which I never wake

Tommy pov

It was 10am when we heard it. Rose had been sleeping in for longer than usual, but we put it down to all the dancing from last night. Our thought process changed when a blood shrilling scream echoed throughout the house

"Tommy! Tommy help! Please" I didn't think twice before dropping the newspaper and running to Rose, Arthur and John close behind me. I opened her door and there she was, knelt down on her floor, sobbing. I rushed over to her and as I touched her arm, she backed away

"Rose, whats wrong?" It was then that she jumped into my arms, the pair of us now sitting on the floor as I rocked her body

"Tommy, Tommy please, please help me. I can't....I can't see....there's nothing there. Help..please" she was indeed not looking me in the eyes. I looked over at Arthur and John who ran their fingers through their hair in an act of stress

"Call a fucking doctor" I told them. John left to make the phone call as Arthur helped me get Rose onto the bed. Her body was shaking in my arms. She sat on the edge of the bed, gripping mine and Arthur's shoulders like a life line

"Don't leave me. Don't let go" she begged as I tucked her hair behind her ears

"Sshh you're alright love. We ain't leaving ya" Arthur told her, tears brimming in his eyes. Her breathing was heavy but it was almost impossible to calm her down. Hardly surprising with the circumstances

"Darling, just breathe for me. Deep breath. In....and out. Thats it. Good girl. Doctor will be here soon" I said kissing her forehead. She had a glass of water on the side from last night so I went to reach for it. As I left her side, she gripped onto Arthur with both hands

"Tommy, Where's Tommy?" She cried. I went back over and handed her the water

"I'm here sweetheart. I'm right here" John came running up the stairs with the doctor by his side. Me and Arthur went to step back and allow the man to do his job, but Rose simply wouldn't let go of us

" please. Don't go. I'm so scared. I'm so scared" she kept repeating in a whisper. The doctor nodded to us, so we all stayed by her side. She leant her head on John as the doctor checked her eyes, shaking his head and muttering under his breath every few minutes

"I'd like to take miss shelby to the hospital" the doctor declared

"No! No I'm not leaving! I don't want to go. Don't let him take me! They'll put in an" her breathing had increased once again but John stroked her hair back, kissing her head

"Love, I'm gonna talk with the doctor outside. John will take my place. Is that alright?" I asked her. She nodded her head. The second she let go of me, her arm was trying to find John in a panick. I went outside with the doctor

"Can she stay here? Or is it vital she goes the hospital?" I asked

"Mr shelby, your sisters life is not under any risk should she stay here. I don't believe they can bring her sight back, however I am certain that they will do all they can to help miss shelby adjust to this new way of life"

"So that's it? She wakes up one morning and she'll never see again? Aren't you gonna do your fucking job and fix it?" I asked getting frustrated

"Unfortunately, even us doctors can't stop the devil from doing his work. Like I said, she doesn't have to go to a hospital, but if you wish to have proper support, it would be better. Nurses can look after her and it will be too much strain on the family" I could've punched him right there, but he was only doing his job

"Ye well the shelby family stick together. Fuck the hospital, rose stays with us. Send for some nurses to come around, talk more to her about her condition so we understand it more, but she isn't leaving unless she wishes to" the doctor agreed and I showed him out. A nurse would be round by tomorrow afternoon

As I opened the door for him to leave, finn was there. He looked confused about the doctor but didn't question it

"Listen, something happened this morning. And I need to warn you that it's disturbing to see her in distress...."

"What's going on Tommy? Is Rose alright?" Finn asked

"When she woke up this morning, she couldn't see, not a thing. The doctor has checked her over and concluded that she is blind and most likely won't ever be able to see again. A nurse is coming around some time today or tomorrow morning to talk us more through it. But she doesn't know she won't be able see again, not yet anyway" finn looked shocked, he definitely didn't expect me to say that. We went upstairs to Rose

"Finns here sweetheart" John said

"Finn" she reached out. He walked over and brought her in for a warm hug, crying softly. She stroked his hair and kissed his head

"Don't cry finny" rose told him, cupping his cheeks

"But...but cant"

"Ssshh. I know, but I'm not worth your tears. Save them for something that matters" I knew Rose was terrified, probably wanted to break down and cry. But she had always treated finn like her own and didn't want to frighten him, so she put on a brave face

"We'll get through this. We will, I promise ya" she smiled softly at Finns words as he hugged her again, sobbing into her shoulder. As he couldn't see her, rose let a few tears slip before quickly wiping them away

It was true what the doctor said. Rose never did get her sight back, but she adapted and by the time she was 30, she couldn't remember what life was like before. It was who she was, and we loved every part of her. Of course, rose needs more help. But thats only outside and for her own safety. She knows her way around the betting shop, garrison and everyone's house like the back of her hand, no need for us. It's only when outside that we refuse to leave her alone, and instead walk with our arms linked. This was our life now, wouldn't have it any other way

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