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This is all about religion. It is more comedy than the others in my opinion and I don't mean any hate towards religion. I myself am I Christian but I will admit, not a very good one. But don't think it will be preaching or hate. I just wanted something light hearted.

Finn is 13

John pov

We loved our family. And we all loved our beloved aunt polly. But everyone had their down sides. Arthur had anger issues. Finn just mucked about and got in trouble alot. Tommy was....Well Tommy. My wife was lovely and gorgeous but when she wanted to, she could scare the crap out of me. Michael seems like abit of a prick sometimes and likes to test Arthur's patience. Ada hates us all except for rose and sometimes finn. And that just leaves polly. Lovely, wonderful, terrifying polly. Now aunt pol is a religious woman and she would go to church when she got the chance. Unfortunately for us, she would drag us along with her. Not every time as most the time we had an excuse or would lie about being busy. Well, Arthur soon changed that.

"I'm fucking bored" he grumbled as polly walked in. We all stared at him with wide eyes to remind him not to speak and Rose clipped him round the head.

"What? None of us have anything to do this morning. Only person busy is esme cuz she is going to see the Lees. Unlucky" Arthur said looking at esme.

"Right. Everyone's going church. We leave in an hour. Be ready" polly said as she walked out with a triumphant smirk on her face. My wife, who was sat sideways on my lap looked at my div of a big brother and said

"And I'm unlucky?"

"Fuck" Arthur screamed. Tommy wacked him round the head with a news paper and stormed off to get ready.

"You really are thick" Rose stated

"She's right Arthur. Why you gotta mention anything?" Finn agreed with our baby sister

"I forgot it was Sunday alright?" He said rolling his eyes.

"No. No its not alright. Now I have to sit listen to some boring preacher talk for hours about something I dont even believe in" Rose yelled at him before storming off. As she got halfway up the stairs we heard her yell


"Oh god. Helping Rose choose a dress. Better hurry. You will be there for atleast 40 minutes and then there are still matching shoes." I reminded him. He groaned before standing up and storming upstairs to help our dearest sister. Esme got off my lap and said

"Right then. I'm off. Good luck" she was enjoying this too much

"Atleast pretend to be upset we face torture" michael grumbled and with that, she had left. He left the room aswell and it was just me and finn in the room. I turned to him and said

"Arthur really is a massive cock" he nodded in agreement and we heard Arthur yell from upstairs

"NOT ONE. BUT I'VE GOT ONE". How the fuck did he hear that?

Arthur pov

For fuck sake. Why did I mention anything? I completely forgot about church on Sundays. Wasn't even sure it was Sunday. I just knew that all work was sorted and I was bored as we all were. I turned to rose who had opened her massive wardrobe. It was times like these I regretted spoiling her to a dress almost every week.

"So which one ya want luv?" I asked her

"If I knew then I wouldn't have asked for your help...dickhead" she muttered the last part under her breath but I still heard.

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