Requested- Panic

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Requested by- mollie_24

Rose is 16. Finn is 11

Rose pov

In the betting shop bored as anything. I actually want to rip my arm off just so I have something to play with. I originally had a ball to catch but that was soon thrown in the fire after I hit it on John's head for the 3rd time. Accident of course.

"If you're that bored leave" Arthur grumbled

"And do what?" I asked

"I don't know. Make friends. Ya know that thing that kids have so they aren't bothering adults all day" he said

"I have friends. I don't need to make any" I replied. John scoffed and said

"Name one" my mouth parted slightly as i tried to think of a friend

"Jack" I replied happy I finally came up with an answer

"Jack's your nephew and he's 5. Doesn't count" John chuckled

"Fine. I don't have friends. But I just don't like people. They are so hard to work with" I said letting my head fall onto the table in a huff. It was just me John and Arthur in the bettingshop today. Tommy said he would be here in 10 minutes and everyone else had the day off. We sat in silence for a bit as I let them work. I didn't work at the betting shop. We tried it but I can only count to 15 so i eventually gave up. I never went school which wasn't my fault. My brain told me to skive so I really had no choice. After alot of thinking, I said

"Is dad gone now?" Both heads turned towards me and at that minute, Tommy walked in

"How did you know about that?" Tommy asked

"Finn talks" I replied shrugging my shoulders. They all looked abit annoyed which wasn't my intention but always a bonus

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked

"Because we didn't think you would be able to handle it love. After what he did ya know....last time" John said rubbing my shoulder

"You should've told me.....but I know why you didn't. And you don't gotta worry, as long as he is gone then I don't care" I told them.

"Thing is darling, dad's gonna be staying now. But he is sorry for what he's done and we won't let it happen again. Promise" Arthur said. John scoffed and Tommy kicked a chair. I felt my heart beat quicken. But I stood up anyway and walked over to Arthur

"Make him leave. Or I do. I'll go down to London and stay with Sammy until he is gone" I told him. Sammy was in Arthur's group of friends when they were kids and stayed in Birmingham. But during the war she moved down the London to become a nurse and decided to stay there. She is nice and we weren't best friend close but she was just someone sweet and easy to talk to. I walked out of the betting shop after that and went to sit down by the cut. I sat for ages just watching the world go by. For 5 minutes, I watched a Robin that was perched on a tree

"Beautful ain't it" I heard a voice. I spun around quickly and saw the man who i have spent years hiding from. My father. I didn't want to speak with him after what he did. I subconsciously touched my neck reminding me of what he did to me...his own daughter at just 5 years old. Without a word, I walked past him and ran back to the betting shop. My heart was beating 10 times faster than it should and I felt my air ways closing in on me.

Tommy pov

We worked in silence when rose left knowing if we spoke, I would end up punching someone or something. Work was put to a halt when I heard someone stumble into the shop. Rose clutching her chest and breathing heavily. I ran over to her and made her sit down. John got her a drink of water and Arthur stood by, unsure of what to do

"Rose can you hear me love?" I asked. Tears streamed down her face as her entire body shook. I could see her subconsciously touching her neck as she wheezed and sobbed. I rubbed her back to calm her but to no avail

"I didn't do anything to her. I didn't mean to scare her" I heard a voice. When I turned around, my father was stood by the door of the betting shop watching our rose. I wanted to beat him and shoot him in the head, strangle him half to death. But I realised my love for rose is greater than my hatred for that man so I stayed by her side to calm her.

Much to my surprise, Arthur was the one to kick our father out. He grabbed his shit collar and kicked him onto the streets before coming back in and hugging rose softly, not wanting to scare her but comfort her

"Listen to my breathing love. Copy my breathing" Arthur told her. She copied his breathing and soon, instead of heavy breathing, it was just loud sobs. John gave her a hug and wiped away her tears only for more to pour down her cheeks

"What did he do sweetheart?" John asked her

"Nothing. He didn't do anything and yet I was still so scared. I saw him and he tried to speak with me but I ran. As soon as i saw him I felt as if I was back there. Back to my 5th birthday. And i could feel his hands wrapping around my neck even though he was 10ft away from me. I'm sorry" she apologised wiping her tears. I kissed her cheek and handed her the water

"Don't apologise. He's a bastard and what he did was cruel" I reminded her. She nodded and turned to face Arthur

"I know you wanted us all to forgive him. You wanted him to be our dad again. And I tried but....but i couldn't" she sobbed into Arthur's chest as he shushed her and stroked her hair

"What he did was unforgivable and I was a fool to believe in him again" he said.

We all remember roses 5th birthday well and it is not something easy to forgive. We has tried to make it as special as we could. Our mother was heavily pregnant with finn at the time and found it hard to look after us. But we promised her we would make it the best birthday ever for her. We made a cake and she got presents. Aunt pol was there aswell. She had been staying to help mum when the baby comes. Everything was ruined when our father came in drunk as usual. He was yelling happy birthday and seemed weirdly happy. Rose was a daddy's girl and he never lay a hand on her cruelly. She had screamed for daddy and ran to give him a hug. He hugged her back but suddenly started strangling her. Me and Arthur tried to pry him off. We had kicked John out of the way. He was a kid and would get hurt. Everyone was crying and when he finally let go, rose had marks around her neck and was blue. She spent the night in hospital and Arthur stayed with her. But whilst they were gone, our mum went into labour and had finn. Whe they got back, we all knew mum was dying and so aunt pol has to tell Arthur whilst our mum used the last of her energy to apologise to rose. She blamed herself. That's Night, rose went from a daddy's girl to being terrified of the man.

We thought she had forgotten it all as she never mentioned anything but clearly not. Our father didn't breath again once once was finished with him. And our poor angel was traumatised by it all. The bastard had brought every bad memory back when he visited and Rose had suffered the most. He hurt her. And so I killed him once rose was alright and had calmed down. No one hurts the shelby angel


Requested. And I apologise but i did a crap job of this. 1391 words

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