Chapter 47

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I make my way back to the hotel that chefe is staying at. Thinking the whole way there about what he wanted to talk to me about. Maybe I'm going home soon to the family,or I'll be starting another assignment.

"Quem sabe," (Who knows) I sighed as I pull into a vacant parking spot.

Knock.. Knock..

Dario opens the door. I enter seeing Marcos sitting in the living room with a few of the others. There was a somber air about the room. I hope it's not about his father,but we shall see. I walk in shaking a few hands before I make my way over to chefe. When he saw me he gave me nod and I sat down before him.

"você queria me ver?" (You wanted to see me?) I asked feeling a bit uneasy. He looks at me and at the other individuals in the room. Everyone knew that look,and they all left the hotel room.

"o que está acontecendo com você e a mãe do meu filho?!" (What's going on with you and the mother of my child?!) He asked accusingly. Straight to the point I see.

"como você quer dizer?" (How do you mean?) I asked. Why does everyone assume we like each other like that?

"Não jogue estúpido! Responda à maldita pergunta!" (Don't play stupid! Answer the damn question!) He said cracking his neck. I sign that he is stressed.

"Nada." (Nothing)

"Não parece nada," (Doesn't look like nothing) He states. I try my best not to make a face,but this is ridiculous. We all know that chefe has strong feelings for her,and that I am loyal to him.

"Chefe Admito que ultrapassei os meus limites, mas garanto-lhe que ela é amiga. Nada mais," (I admit that I have overstepped some boundaries,but I assure you she is a friend. Nothing more). I told the now angry man that sits before me.

"Exagerou em como?"(Overstepped how?) He asked as he balled his fist. Why is he getting so angry? I'm trying to explain if he'd stopped cutting me off.

"Quero dizer. Sabem que estávamos aqui para fazer um trabalho, mas as coisas acontecem. Ela estava vulnerável e eu lá," (I mean. You know we were sent here to do a job,but things happen. She was vulnerable,and I was there).

"O que?!" (What?!) He seethes.

"Nem tudo vai ser livro de texto que você conhece," (Not everything is going to be text book you know), I said trying to continue my explanation.

"Que porra isso significa? Fale comigo direto!" (What the fuck does that mean? Talk to me straight!)" Chefe jumps up stalking over to me. I stand up just as a natural reflex. He grabs the collar to my shirt. We are now eye to eye. I put my hands on his shoulders trying to calm him down. We fall into the book shelf. Chefe stands upright giving us a little room. He takes a swing connecting with my jaw. "Você está fodendo ela?" (Are you fucking her?!)" He yells taking another swing,but I block it. He may be the Chefe,but I'm not just gonna sit there and get hit. Clearly he has read into what the others have thought,and maybe have said. That she and I like each other. Well we do. Just not in that kind of way.

"Eu não estou fodendo ela!" (I'm not fucking her!) I tell him as I punch him back. "Eu a amo, mas não assim," (I do love her, but not like that!)" I said as we continue to scuffle. "Ela é como uma irmã para mim!" (She's like a sister to me!)" I barely get out because he has me in a headlock. I don't know if he actually heard the last part. I swing around flipping chefe over my shoulder dropping him onto the ground.

"Ela é como uma irmã para mim!"(She's like a sister to me!) I repeated. "Como você poderia pensar que?!" (How could you think that?!)" I yell as we catch our breathes. "Estou perto dela há quase dois anos. Claro que vamos nos unir. Ela é legal com todos nós. Todos nós crescemos para amá-la e respeitá-la. Talvez eu tenha chegado um pouco mais perto porque eu sou o guarda-costas pessoal dela. Vi uma mulher que estava quebrada levantar-se e juntar os pedaços o melhor que podia, e sim, ela pode ter caído, mas ela se levantou de volta. Sabe o que ela passou? Não, você não porque estávamos lá. Vê-la curar. Os cortes, os hematomas, os ossos quebrados, o buraco da bala, ter que ter um órgão removido tudo por egoísmo de outra pessoa, e ela ainda conseguiu se recompor. Depois veio a fisioterapia, os ataques de pânico, ela não conseguia nem funcionar fora de casa. E tudo o que estava na minha mente era que eu precisava ajudar minha amiga. Mesmo que ele esteja morto. Faça o que eu puder para proteger ela e seu filho de tudo e mais alguma coisa. É tão bagunçado que a única coisa que você pode pensar em mim é querer fodê-la. Reduza-a a alguém que saciaria meu desejo carnal. Sim, ela é linda, mas Melody é mais do que isso. Ela é amorosa, doadora, carinhosa, e nem é disso que eu gosto nela. Ela é tenaz, inteligente e franca. Eu acho que você pensou melhor de mim chefe. Sempre fui leal a você." (Its so messed up that the only thing that you can think of me is wanting to fuck her. Reduce her to someone that would quench my carnal desire. Yes she is beautiful,but Melody is more than that. She is loving, giving, caring, and that's not even what I like about her. She is tenacious, smart, and forthright. I would think you thought better of me chefe. I've always been loyal to you)." I stand up reaching my hand out to him to help him up. He smacks it away.

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