Chapter 22

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It's Thursday August 11th two days before Carmen's wedding. We. Well Aubree and I are set to leave this evening. We're are at the airport. Yes the Princess actually has to fly with commoners this time around,but she's going first class of course.

"Wait a minute Melly we're not going to be sitting together?" Aubree asks surprised.

"Really? Aubree come on. I can't afford a first class ticket." I looked at her like she's lost her mind.

"Well when we go check in I'll just upgrade your ticket,my treat." She smiles heading to the next airport teller.

"Aubree it's not that serious. It's just a two hour flight." I say leaning onto the counter.

"Yeah,and I'll be bored and alone. We haven't seen each other since Brazil. Plus you wanna work all of the freaken time. I'm taking full advantage of our time together so get used to it." I chuckle at her silly banter.

"Okay Aubree,if you insist." She upgrades the ticket and we're off, and would you believe five minutes into the flight this heifer went to sleep. What's the saying, if you can't beat'em join'em. So I went to sleep too. We arrived in Charlotte NC at 9:30 PM and was met by a driver who took us to our hotel. We were to see the Alberts- Whitaker wedding party tomorrow for the rehearsal and dinner. They're getting married on Saturday the 13th. I believe her cousin and her high school bff have something planned there after. I texted Carmen and miss Lauren to let them know we had arrived safely. Her family had it all set up. Everyone coming to the wedding was staying at the same hotel. Aubree and I are sharing a room. It wasn't like the suite in Brazil,but it was considered high end. Nicki and David are flying in tomorrow morning. He had to deal with some last minute issues at his family's restaurant.

The next morning we got a courtesy call from one of Carmen's cousins letting us know that our room keys also open a rented party room downstairs that has food,drinks,and snacks. It also had an  itinerary print out for each room. I know this was all Carmen's doing. She is ridiculously organized.

       Wedding Itinerary

Date:August 12 (Friday)
12:00pm-Families/Friends Meet & Greet
(Party Room)

2:00pm -Wedding Rehearsal
(Whitaker Family Church)

5:00pm- Rehearsal Dinner
(Whitaker Family Home)

Date:August 13th (Saturday)
2:00pm-Wedding Procession
(Whitaker Family Church)
3:30pm Photographer
5:00pm Reception & Dinner

Date:August 14th (Sunday)
12:00pm Family Brunch
Dress Comfortably
(Alberts Family Home)
3:00- Bride & Groom send off

Now somewhere in there we're supposed to throw a bachelorette party for our girl,but I guess we'll see how that goes. I'm thinking after the wedding rehearsal dinner. I don't know what her cousin who she can't stand is going to do for it though, but the girls and I have plan b on stand by. We're now getting ready for the wedding rehearsal,and we have yet to see or hear from Nicki and David.

"Have you heard from Nicki?"I asked Aubree as I put my shoes on.

"Not as of yet. They should be here though. Her flight came in this morning. Maybe they're sleeping in. I'll text her." Aubree comes out of the bathroom all decked out. I looked at her in shock.

"You do know this is just the rehearsal right?"I take in her six inch stilettos.

"Yeah I know,but I want to be presentable. I didn't meet her family remember?"

"Yeah I remember,but what does that have to do with your feet? You know what, do yo thang girl." I had my flats because something told me we were going to be on our feet for a while.

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