Chapter 31

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I was woken up by Erica shaking me. I saw that she was holding her phone. "Hmm,what?" I asked turning away from her.

"It's Tara." She whispered to me. I blink a few times before sitting up. "What's going on?"I asked.

"You're never gonna believe this."Tara said getting us all anxious.

"Tell us!"Erica yells.

"They arrested him. Last night. He was working. He took Miss Washington's shift. It all went down when Mrs.Kenvill and Darla came back. He put on this whole act. Talking about how she's a troubled child,and needs to be placed in a more controlled environment. Had her paperwork ready to give to their supervisor and everything once she was found. Of course they weren't having that. He was brought down to the precinct for questioning. Darla,KD,and Jennifer pressed charges. Apparently Mr.Marshal has a list of complaints against him. This isn't the first time he's put his hands on other foster care kids. More specifically the girls." Tara said sounding disgusted.

"If he has all these complaints then why was he allowed to continue working in these types of settings? With children?" I asked.

"He kept relocating after every complaint. I guess no one was following up."Tara said. Erica and I just look at each other shocked.

"This is just crazy." I say,and Erica nods in agreement.

"I know right. Listen I gotta go. They just came in. I'll try to have Darla call you when she can." Tara said and with that we hung up.

"Okay well that's some good news." Erica said climbing off the bed.

"Right," I said sliding my feet over the edge of the bed. Taking a few breaths.

"Girl,you ain't even that big. You need help getting up?" Erica asked coming around the bed to me.

I take a few more breathes rubbing my ribs. "No his foot is stretching out my side." I chuckle at the face she makes as she looks down at my stomach. Erica then sits at my feet,and starts to rub my belly. Putting her face close to my stomach. "Hey you. It's your auntie Erica. Your hurting the mommy. So move your little feet before I come in there and move them for you." I giggle shaking my head at her antics. After a few minutes I could actually move and breath regularly.

"Hey,he actually moved." I said as I rubbed my stomach.

"Of course he did. He knows who's the boss." Erica said to my stomach. And not a minute later Michael kicked her. She moved back holding her lip.

"Oh my God,did he just..?" She says looking up at me. I did my best to stifle my laugh. "Oh it's on little boy. When you come out it's me and you.." She said rubbing my stomach vigorously.

After about five minutes of us actually getting up,and starting the day. I texted my father. Apologizing for not getting back to him sooner,and trying to make plans for the day since they're all in town. I then called Aubree to ask if we could have a baby shower do over? She said yes,but her brother would be there. I didn't mind. I texted my father again letting him know that the party was happening this afternoon,and that I was sorry for the inconvenience. After I hit send button my phone immediately rang.

"All this damn texting." I hear Dimitri say as I answer the phone.
"Sorry." I say with humor.

"Oh,you weren't supposed to hear me say that." I chuckled. "Okay so we're all meeting back at the girl Aubree's place?"He inquired.

"Yes 2 o'clock,again da...Uh Dimitri. I am so sorry for the inconvenience."

"Stop apologizing Melly. You didn't know what was going on. Did you ever find out what happened?" He asked with concern. And with that question I filled him in on last nights events to the phone call we received fifteen minutes ago.

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