Chapter 14

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By the time the girls got back it was early in the evening. Mr. & Mrs. Stevens had yet to come home. I heard when they had arrived. Lugging in and tripping over their luggage. That's what she gets, first she lies and then tries to be sneaky. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I did feel bad for Carmen though,but I'm sure she'll deal with it in her own way once she finds out what's actually going on. I came into the hallway and offered Carmen help with her bags to which she happily accepted. I carried it to the Stevens home office. There's a futon in there,and that's were she's staying for the night.

"So did you ever get in contact with Aubree?" I asked as I put down her bag on the chair.

"Yeah she pretty much said what you told us. I just wish I would've remembered to turn on my phone this morning. She definitely texted us before we even got on the train,but Nicki made it seem like we were on a schedule,and..."

"And that I had something to do." I add.

"Right," she's now looking me dead in the eyes. She then walks over to the office door and closes it,but I didn't feel comfortable with that. Having a discussion about a person in their house didn't sit well with me. So I asked if she wanted to take a walk up to the local park. She agreed and we left letting Nicki know where we were going. We got about a half a block away before she asked.

"What is going on with you and Nicki?" Carmen looks at me as we stop on the corner.

"I honestly don't know. Her whole demeanor switched up when we came back into Town. Did she say anything to you?" I ask as we start to walk across the street.

"About what?" She looks at me with concern.

"About anything. I mean it's obvious that you sensed something wasn't right,and your not the first person to ask me this." We make a left turn and are now on the street of the local park.

"Okay, so you said that she seemed to switch up when you got to her house. Did something happen?"

"Nothing that would justify her attitude and behavior. I made breakfast and dinner once,and I noticed that she made a face when she found out that I had cooked. I know she got into with her parents a few nights ago,but I don't know what that was about." I say as we head to the bench. Carmen takes a deep breath as we sit.

"Well maybe that's it."

"That's what?"I look at her confused.

"Maybe she's jealous."

"Of what?!" I asked genuinely confused.

"Well she  is their daughter, she's comfortable, and you come in and let's be  honest Melly you are very mature for your age and extremely responsible."

"And that's my problem because?"

"I didn't say it was your problem,but I'm sure they've noticed,and couldn't help to maybe compare you two to each other." I just give her a blank stare,and she continues.

"I'm just saying that maybe one of them said something and it bothered her, but rather than address it like an adult she chose to take it out on you with the way she has been treating you,"

"I get where you're coming from, but that doesn't add up to  me. She was acting stank towards an old friend of ours that we saw a few days ago as well. Even Aubree and Justin mentioned the way she was acting." I shake my head. "I don't know. All I know is she needs to treat people the way she wants to be treated,and not let her attitude dictate the bullshit that is all I'm saying."

"Melly?! I've never heard you curse before. You must be really upset,"she says surprised.

"Not upset,annoyed that if this is actually what it is she's upset about then ugh...I don't even know,"

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