Chapter 25

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"You? Your pregnant Melly?!" Tara whisper yells.

"What,How?" Erica adds looking genuinely confused. "What? I didn't even know you had a boyfriend" My eyes bugged out at that statement.

"Well..." Shit,how do you explain to young girls who look up to you that you're pregnant by an unbelievably sexy guy you hooked up with on spring break,and try to save face.

"Really,are you keeping it?" Darla asks. I blew out a nervous breath.

"To answer your questions. Yes I'm pregnant like really pregnant. No I don't have a boyfriend. It was fling,and he doesn't know about it. It happened on my trip,and yes I'm going to keep it." They were all silently sitting there just looking at me. "I know it's gonna be hard considering where I'm at in my life..."

"Im gonna be an auntie," Tara exclaims excitedly. They all just burst into laughter and hug me. Needless to say I was surprised, but then again they're young. I was kinda expecting what I got from Aubree, Nicki,and Noelle. Once the laughter died down. Then came more questions.

"Are you scared? How many months are you? I would be scared." Erica said.

"I would be lying if I said I wasn't. I'm just gonna take it one day at a time,and I have support,and I'm three months along."But deep down I knew I had to prioritize.

"Where are you gonna live?" Darla asks looking concerned.

"Well the area I'm in upstate isn't as expensive. So I'm probably going to get a place off campus when the time comes,and school money helps a lot. I've been able to save. With that and work I should be okay."

"You can always stay with us." Darla says smiling.

"Right,and that Marshal guy is gonna let that happen?" I know that she's joking to a certain degree,but I also knew that if I really needed a place to stay they'd help me.

"And the father is a kind Brazilian man that I had an affair with." I smile thinking about him.

"He was married?!" Tara,and Erica ask in unison. Darla just looked at me shocked.

"Nooo,oh my God!...I just meant it was...Maybe affair wasn't a good word. A summer romance kinda thing." I chuckle a bit.

"A summer romance? Wait a minute. Who took your virginity?" Erica asks as the girls look at me.

"He did." They all looked at me dumbfounded yet stayed silent.

"You guys. Say something. I know that this is not what you'd expect from me,but trust me I wouldn't have done it if I didn't feel completely comfortable,and he did." I say looking between them.

"Well does HE have a name?"Darla asks looking like she wants to know specifics.

"Yes,his name is Marcos, Marcos Gartins." I say hiding my smile.

"Marcos," They all say together giggling.

And from there I told them about my experiences on vacation and showed them pictures I had on my phone. School was another major subject since this will be Erica's last year in the group home. I believe miss Lauren took her on some college tours ,but she was still indecisive about where to go,or if she was even going to go to college. I would love for her to come to BRothman. I  could show her the ropes,but everyone has to live their own lives. It was getting late and I needed to get moving. I didn't have dinner. I figured I'd order a pizza. I get my shoes and jacket getting ready to go. The girls see this and stand up with me.

"Where are you going now?" Tara asked.

"Back to the motel. It's getting kinda late,and I haven't eaten yet. I've been tired as of late,and I need to mellow out." I say stifling a yawn.

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