Chapter 43

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Rio de  Janeiro
May 5,20..
2:37 PM

It is now going on month number two. Dr.León has finally given me clearance to head back home. God that felt good to hear. A month earlier then expected. Ms.Thalia has helped me regain my ability to walk again. I have a bit of a limp,but she reassured me that I'll be able to walk straight again in due time. I will have to continue with my physical therapy, and my psychiatrist sessions once I get back. I was diagnosed with PTSD, paranoia and anxiety. I'm still a work in progress. According to Dr.León my ribs have completely healed,and my collarbone is 97% healed now.

I had just got off the phone with my sister Tara letting her know the good news. As I hang up the phone Miss Isabella and Dr.León enter into the dining room.
"Well Miss Harris here are your walking papers. No pun intended." He said holding up his his clip board. I couldn't help but notice the look of disappointment on miss Isabella's face at his statement. I know that she doesn't want us to leave just yet,and we've been dancing around this topic in particular for quite some time now. However my father and Erica weren't so subtle about our departure.

  🔸🔸🔸🔸 Flashback🔸🔸🔸🔸

April 11,20..

Michael's First Birthday

🎶 Happy Birthday To You 🎶

Today was my Mikey boys birthday. My family and friends were able to FaceTime with him earlier today, but my father and Carmen were actually here to help us celebrate. Miss Isabella spared no expense. A lot of little cousins came to help Michael enjoy the festivities. It's like he knew it was all for him. He enjoyed everything. The theme was carnival. His favorite ride was the carousel. He went on it like four times in a row. When it was time to open up the gifts my father's present took the cake.

"Here you go big boy. Open your pop-pops present first." My father said setting it in front of him. It was a small size box wrapped in balloons wrapping paper. I helped him open it,and to our surprise it was Michael's passport. "When did you get his pictures done?" I asked as I looked at Carmen who looked as shocked as I was. Then I look to see my smirking father. I know if miss Isabella didn't think they were trying to get us out of here she sure knew it now. I made sure to put it somewhere safe. The party continued on. I'd say everyone had a good time considering that little hiccup.


Dr.León,Dr.Smith,and Ms.Thalia's reports gave me the clearance to travel. I texted my father with the phone he had brought me the last time he was here to share the good news. Within the next five minutes I received an email message with our flight information. "He is to much." I smiled shaking my head. I guess he is over it,and ready for our return. Dr.León then took his leave. It was now Miss Isabella and I. We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute before we both started to speak at the same time. I gestured for her to go first out of respect.

"So I heard the news." She smiled sheepishly. I nod smiling back at her.

"Yes." I said hesitantly. "We'll finally be out of your way." I smile sheepishly.

"Right." she takes a deep breath. "And you weren't in my way Melody." Miss Isabella sniffles.

"Oh I know. I was just joking. Are you okay?" I knew she wasn't, but I still had to ask. "Look
I can't express how much I appreciate everything that you have done for us. If it wasn't for your help I'd probably be dead. But deep down you had to have known that this wasn't going to last forever." I told her. When I didn't get a response I knew that she was indeed upset. Even with all of her staff, friends, and family she didn't have the one person that meant the most here. Her Marcos. Her son.
"I'm sorry miss Isabella." I said patting her knee. "It's just that-"
She quickly cuts me off.

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