Chapter 36

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I cleaned up Michael,and put him in his Pack-N-Play with his sippy cup. I then go to join Jaylon on the couch.

"To what do I owe this audience Mr.Rose?" I say smiling. But my smile drops when I see he wears the look of despair. "You okay?" I asked having an idea of what the problem may be.

"No I'm not. Melody I don't know what I'm doing wrong anymore. I made one mistake,and I've been paying for it ever since. It's been months and every chance given she throws what I did to her in my face whenever she's upset. I got scared, and my actions were wrong I can admit that,but I've done all I can do to make up for it. Sometimes I feel like I should just leave her alone. Just break it off, and we co-parent when the baby comes.

"Oh no. Don't say that.." I caught myself saying. Shut up Melly let him finish venting. I know she loves him,but I also know that she worries he'll do that again or something worse.

"She's told me some things,but not a lot. So I get it, but why do I have to continue to suffer when I've made amends and I know that because she's told me she forgives me. We've been working together and going to counseling. I just don't know what more I can do. Melody you live with her,and I'm sure y'all talk. I'm not asking for information. Just some direction." He said sighing putting his head in his hands.

"Jaylon I know that she loves you, and I think you know that too," I said with a deep sigh. "I honestly think you know more than I do about her past. I mean I know some things about her parents, but to a certain extent. And I have to respect that that's the way Noelle wants it to be. Just keep doing what you're doing, but I can't tell you what to do in other regards. You're going to have to come to that conclusion for yourself because this is y'all's relationship."

"Yeah your right." He said sniffing. I then got up to grab him some tissue.

"I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this Jaylon. I really am, but you just have to ask yourself is it worth it? And if the answer is yes. Then keep trying. Just be a little more patient with her. I know she'll come around." I said trying to reassure him. He nods his head in understanding.

"Thanks Melody. I'm gonna try my best." Jaylon said standing up. He gives me a hug. Says goodbye to Michael,and then heads for the door. I really hope that they can get it together. I look at my son who is now trying to pull himself up to stand. This guy is so quietly busy. I didn't even know he could do that. Once he gets his bearings he looks up at me and smiles.

"Come on my little munchkin. It's time for your bath." I said picking him up.


Halloween was blah. Michael was asleep by the time we got home. I wasn't going to take him out,but Nicki insisted. I think she just wanted his candy.We made it to a few neighbors homes. About twenty minutes in he was out, but he did look adorable,and we took lots of pictures. The office party was okay. I did get a chance to speak with Lorna Peterson. She's the head of the Social Services & Children's Law department, and has three openings for new internships. Mr.Lincoln and Mr.Davenport are going to write me a letter of recommendation. Although I will miss this department I have to focus on my goals. I'm set to start with her in a month. I'll still be in the same building. Just a different floor. The pay will be the same. Mr.Lincoln made sure of that. I started doing night school this time around. Aubree, Nicki, and Noelle offered to help with Michael in the afternoons.

"I'm home." I said lowly as to not disturb  the pregnant lady. I put Mikey in the Pak-N-Play and went to check on Noelle. Sometimes she naps in my room when she can't get comfortable on the couch. She wasn't in there. Maybe she's using the bathroom I say to myself. I head back towards the living room taking my coat off. I then go get Michael so that I can take his snowsuit off. The apartment is hot so I strip him down to his onesie,and thats when he lets loose. He's gonna be all over the place now. I turn off the crockpot and peek in to check on the roast and I'm hit with a wonderful aroma. I take a big wiff.
"Mmm that's smells great." I look down to see my munchkin looking up at me. I smile and continue to prepare our meal. I go take the salad from the fridge placing it on the table. Then I check the on rice and beans. It's done so I turn off the burner.

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