Chapter 7

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🔸Life Of The Party🔸

Chug,Chug,Chug,Chug!!!  Whoo!! The cheers and the screams of excitement was all I heard as we entered the party. It was Friday night,and the GAMA House was having their last party after midterms. We now had a month before spring break. So the girls and I thought we'd come and have some fun, try  to blow off some steam. It had been  two months since my last serious talk with Aubree. I decided that I wouldn't press her about the conversation we had back in November. If she isn't worried, or bothered by it,then why should I. In the last few months I noticed her behavior changing. She had become a bit reckless. I understand it's college,but we all know that you can get caught up in something that can do more harm then good. We all noticed individually and collectively her activities for quite some time, but knew that she was going to do what she wanted to do regardless when we voiced our concerns.

               🔸Last Month🔸

"LEAVE ME ALOOONE NICKI!!"A drunk Aubree slurred as she tripped over nothing walking towards her car.

"NO I WILL NOT AUBREE-LYNN!!" She yells as she snatches her car keys away from her.

"Now I've been quiet watching you go hard on your party trip for whatever reason, but I will not allow you to get behind the wheel drunk. I don't know what the hell is going on in your life that is making you act this way but I can tell you right now you need to stop  and asses your situation,and maybe seek help."Nicki says.

"Seek help!?"Aubree let's out a boisterous laugh.

"From whom? May I ask dear Nicki. My parents? That's a joke. Hell,they're part of the problem. An- And I think you're blowing this way out of proportion." She says with a gag.

Nicki and I make brief eye contact backing up a little before looking back at Aubree. She was in bad shape. Wearing the same clothes for the last three days. Smelling like uh uh and what the hell,and now was trying to actually drive somewhere drunk. A lot has been going on,and all we were trying to do is help.

"You've  been getting outta hand,and now this." Nicki gestures to her state while holding up the keys.

Aubree leaps for the keys making a poor attempt to grab them resulting in her falling over again.

"Oh please, I'm just having fun like every other College student in America." Aubree defends as she leans on her car looking like she could pass out at any minute.

"Fun is one thing,but pissy drunk in the early afternoon is another." I had decided to finally chime in.
Aubree stands up  brushing her clothes off,like that's gonna help.

"You guys. It is not that big of a deal. I don't know why y'all are over reacting." She hiccups.

"Overreacting!!" Nicki yells running up in her face,and staring her down.

"No Nicki." I yell and tried to
grab her to try and stop her from whatever she was going to do, but Nikki stopped herself.

"I'm cool,but I will say this. I've sat back for a while. Letting you live your  'college party girl dream' but it's becoming to much for me. I'm trying to do my best as a friend,but your pushing it." Nicki said pointing at her.

"I never asked you to.." Aubree drawled loudly.

"And you shouldn't have to. That's what friends do. They care,they help,they protect." She retorts in a duh tone.

"You are gaining a reputation. In just under a month you are now deemed a whore. You've been hooking up with peoples boyfriends. Random dudes in bars,and I've also heard that you were caught sucking a nigga's dick in the bathroom."

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