Chapter 44

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                  1 Year Later

Lots has happened this past year. So here's the recap. I'm fully healed physically wise. I'm still grappling with my anxiety and PTSD,but I'm doing much better. I graduated from a University here in North Carolina via online courses of course. I now have my Bachelors Degree in Social Work and Children's Law. I am also still in North Carolina,but have been thinking about moving back to New York. About five months ago I started to communicate again with my friends and family. Needless to say I had a lot of guilt when dealing with them,but everyone seemed to understand where I was coming from once I explained what I was going through. Letting me know that it was okay. I haven't seen them all in the flesh as of yet. Only Carmen because she's local, and my dad. I am now heading to Carmen's place to bring her some rocky road ice cream and cheddar cheese. She gets these random cravings. Yes she expecting now. Her and Darrell will be welcoming their daughter next month. Everyone is excited,and we are having her baby shower this weekend. Darrell will be leaving that following Monday to do a military demonstration in South Korea. So they wanted to have a baby shower/send off for him as well. Everyone is coming. That meant I had to be subjected to certain attitudes. LaDamitria,and Dahlia are still stuck on stupid. God give me the strength. Michael is now talking more. He has forty words and counting. I put him in a daycare program to be properly socialized. Sitting in a house with four armed guards is not the look. I was weary at first,but my cousin Torrence assured me that it was a wonderful program that was ran by one of her college friends. David and Nicki are broken up at this moment. Those two make up to break up my father says when I told him that news. He's one to talk. Nicki is working at a nursing home now. She likes it better then the hospital. There she's able to actually care for her patients. Aubree is doing great. She is now working along side her brothers Austin and Aaron at their family cosmetic company in New York City. She still does therapy,and is able to tolerate her family to a certain extent. When she finally asserted herself addressing her issues with them they had no choice but hear what she had to say. Her mother cut ties,and she was actually okay with that. Her relationship with her sister is cordial,but she has been doing family therapy with her brothers and father. So far so good. Aubree is also dating. No one in particular,but she's gotten back out there. Sarah is still in Nebraska. She doesn't want to come back. She's failed at independence (her words). Her mom has fallen ill,and you can only imagine the state she is in. Michael and I will be going to visit with them after Carmen has the baby.

Erica is now finished the culinary arts program,and is now working at a premiere restaurant in the city. GOOD EATS now has a second location,and is doing better then the one on Long Island. She also has started a YouTube channel showcasing her talents,and has over 573,000 subscribers and growing. Her dream is to one day have her own restaurant,and maybe get a cookbook deal. I'm so proud of her,and so far she has come from being that unsure girl about to graduate high school to a beautiful young woman coming into her own. Tara is pregnant also. Three months to be exact,BY JUSTIN! Yes Nicki's brother they're still together. When he told his parents Mrs.Stevens tried to beat him with her husbands house slipper. Once all was said and done everyone seemed to be okay. Long discussions were had,and realistic expectations are being implemented. They are all working together to help the young couple. That's not to say they were getting over. They both work part time,and are in school. Mr. and Mrs.Stevens allowed them to stay with them until they get on their feet. My dear Darla. New to the world. She is now eighteen and on her way to art school. She got a full two year scholarship at Rausgrove University. Both Tara and Erica helped her move in about two weeks ago. I'm constantly calling and texting her with words of encouragement. She's scared like all of us were when it was our time, but I know she'll do great. Noelle and Jaylon are still going strong. They have really come a long way since their little hiccup last year. Baby Jade is so beautiful. Now walking and has lots of energy. Jaylon is working in a money marketing firm, and Noelle is getting her Masters Degree in molecular biology now. And dear old Mr.Sinclair my daddy has finally let go of the idea of trying to find my mother. He made peace with what happened and has moved on. My other siblings are doing great. It's the typical kids stuff. My father is stressed because the girls are at that age where boys are starting to sniff around,and he just wants to shoot everybody. Gotta love him.

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