Chapter 39

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🔸🔸🔸 Marcos Continued 🔸🔸🔸

We make our way into yet another abandoned building. They had lights in this one. So I guess that was an upgrade. All that did was let my 'father' see his men dead or dying right in front of him. My soldiers had all the rooms open, but still no Melody. I turned to him.

"onde é que ela está," (WHERE IS SHE?!) I yell in his face. My 'father' shuffles to bring me to a room in the back where he opens up a trap door behind a broken bookshelf. Dario flashes a light in. At first I saw nothing. As I was about to turn around to lash out at my father. I stopped when I heard a cough. I quickly grab the flashlight from Dario and run into the room. She looks up at me covering her eyes from the brightness of the light. I quickly turn it away from her,but from what I saw her clothes were tattered and bloody. I run over and embrace her.

"Marcos." She tried to call out. I quieted Melody pulling her up into my arms. She cries out in pain. I apologized and start to carry her out of the abandoned factory to the truck whispering sweet nothings that I'm sure she doesn't want to hear right now. I try to put her in the car so that I can go back and handle my 'father',but she wouldn't let me go.

"Melody I need to go deal with something inside," I said calmly. When she looked at me with tears in her eyes I knew that I couldn't leave her. I turn to Lex and advise him to take him back to our new headquarters. I'd have to deal with him later. The drive was long, but we arrived at my mothers summer estate a little after midnight. She wasn't here yet,but was due to arrive soon. Melody was out of it. The doctor was still there treating Michael. He was hooked to an IV when we entered the bedroom. Upon seeing this Melody broke into tears. She went and picked him up collapsing into a nearby chair. She sobbed into the crook of his neck, and as if Michael understood his little hands gripped her arm and the other her shirt.

"Oh Michael," She croaked out pulling him away from her chest to look him over. She gave him kisses. I noticed her body starting to sway a bit like she was going to faint. I quickly moved across the room to them and grab Michael placing him back into the crib.

"I'll be back." I said smiling down at him. He just gnawed on his fingers. I then take Melody to the bathroom. I sit her on the chair and turn the nozzle on,and watched as the soaker  tub started to fill up the bath for her. Adding some essential oils to the warm water. I turn to see her sitting with her head in her hands.

"Come let's get you cleaned up." I said looking down at her. She didn't move. I slowly start to undress her waiting to see if she wanted me to stop, but she didn't. Once completely naked I lift her up and put her into the scented water, and begin to wash her. I scrub Melody as best I could. When I get to her shoulder she looks at me putting her hand on top of mine and starts to cry again. She then laid her head on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her body not caring that I was getting wet, and then she let it out. After about five minutes I laid her back into the tub grabbing some shampoo/conditioner and I washed her hair. She relaxed as I massage her scalp.

"I'm going to pour water on your head now." I told her as she looks at me and nods closing her eyes. She was now cleaned and dressed. I tried to give her food,but she declined. All she wanted was to be with Michael. They were both sleeping when I left them. I went to meet up with my guys at the building where we conduct our affairs. To the naked eye it very much resembles a nice detailing car garage set up ,but has a deep basement with soundproof walls for other things. I made it quick. I didn't want to question or to hear them beg. I put four bullets in my gun cocked it and proceeded to put my so called 'family' and someone who I saw as a brother out of their misery. As for this Jeffrey Lawrence. I had Samson and Dario beat him to a bloody pulp and instructed them to let him heal thoroughly then do it all over again,but not before I got to do some damage. His punishment will last for a month or so depending on how I feel,and I'm being nice. Once he is completely healed we will send him back to the states where I know he will be begging to be locked away in prison. The men were now cleaning up my mess. I needed a shower and to get back to my family. My mãe (mother) should be there by now. I hope Melody will not be upset that she is. I had arrived an hour after the sun had risen. The house was still quiet. I could hear the servants preparing for the day in the distance. I quickly took a shower,and went to check on Melody. The sun was shining,but this room has the most shade. That's why I put them in there. It created a silhouette. When I peaked my head in the room I saw that she was still asleep,but I saw Michael's little hands and feet moving trying to work his way out of the sheets. He finally succeeded and sat up looking flustered. He lost his footing and fell forward into his mother's shoulder, but quickly got his bearings. She only stirred a bit. I know that she must be exhausted. I smile at his busyness. I then make my way into the bedroom. Michael heard the noise and looked at where it was coming from. He gave me a small smile, and burrowed into his mothers side. When she didn't get up I peaked over her side,and saw his curious little eyes looking back at me with curiosity. We proceeded to play a game of peek-a-boo. He got a kick out of that. I even got to hear his little laugh. I put my finger to my mouth in a shhh motion noticing that we were getting a bit loud. I then put my hands out to see if he would come to me. He did and we made our way downstairs. Breakfast should be ready by now. We walk into the dining hall and I am greeted with a few servants setting up the table. They coo at Michael,but are quick to get back to their tasks once my mãe enters the room. She gasps when she sees her grandson.

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