Chapter 9

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It has been two weeks since Aubree left. I have to admit it was different,it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I don't really miss her at the moment. Does that sound bad to say? I feel this way because she really wasn't around us when she was wildn. Only when she needed us,or should I say me for help when she bothered to reach out. The reason I say this is because it was a learning process for me too. Things were bought to my attention of the role I played. Ive come to realize that people have to try to better themselves for themselves. She did reconcile with the girls and I,but that bond has been hindered. Hopefully when she gets back we can rekindle our friendship. For now we are not in communication. Not because we don't want to talk to her,but because  the rehabilitation center she went to doesn't allow phones calls unless it's for family emergencies. I think that's great,no excuses, no distractions. I know she's getting support and dealing with her issues in a more positive environment ,and that's a good thing. Nicki's well,she's going through it at the moment. Her and Chris are having issues.

Pretty Nicki 😘: Do you have time to talk?

Miss Melody: Yeah I'll call you in a few. I get off in 10 minutes.

Pretty Nicki 😘: Aight cool

Putting on my coat,and saying goodbye to my co- workers I head towards the exit. Like clockwork my phone rang after 10 minutes.

It must be serious,I say thinking out loud. I pull out my phone. "Hey girl what's up? You okay?"

"Not at the moment,but I'm sure in time I will be." she says. I can hear the sadness in her voice.

"Sooo.. what's going on?"

"Chris and I had another fight.."

Key word being another

"Why are you saying it like that Melly?" She asks.

"Can I be honest?"I ask hesitantly.

"Of course you can,your my friend." she says in a duh tone.

"Well because you guys are always fighting." I hear her suck her teeth on the other end of the line,and the last time I gave you support after one of your rants  of "how he's a dumb muthafucker, condescending asshole ect... It's over,he can get hit by a bus for all you care! You were right back with him two days later,and this is now what?"

This is the third breakup in four months

"Excuse me for Not knowing how to gauge this situation Nicki. You know I love you girl, and that I want what's best for you always." The line was silent and I stopped walking.


"Yeah I'm here." She speaks up.

"So,what brought on this fight?" I asked.

"You're gonna say it's stupid." she says with a deep sigh. "No I won't." I say with reassurance.
"It's the same fight we have every couple of weeks. "Oh,the roaming eye thing. If it bothers you so much why stay with him?"

"Uh,why not?"she says with an attitude.

Wow, is she really catching an attitude with me?

"Because clearly you don't trust him. These fights are mostly about what he's doing, and he knows that it upsets you. Yet he still does it whether you're around or not. I've seen you get all up in your feelings on the what if's when y'all aren't together. All I'm saying is why continue to upset yourself? Clearly he's not respecting your feelings because if he was he wouldn't be doing this to you in the first place Nicki." I catch myself getting aggravated.
"Listen Nicki,I'm here. I'm just going to drop my stuff off in my room and come to you. I'll be there in a minute."

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