53. Beast in the Woods

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 ''It is our fate, I think, to crave always what is given to another. If one possesses a thing, the other will take it away." Helaena remarked.

'' Yes, Princess.'' The handmaiden agreed, she sat next to the babe as the door opened. Helaena looked back to her need point.

''Where is Aegon?'' otto demanded looking around.

''N-Not here.' Helaena answered as though Aegon was ever with her.

''He's not in his rooms.'' Alicent informed her. Otto marched back out "Father." Alicent called after him but he didn't stop.

''What's happened?' Helaena asked and Alicent sat next to her.

''Your father...'' Alicent began.

''There is a beast in the woods.'' Helaena hissed.

''Oh, my dearest love.'' Alicent said hugging her. Alicent pulled back cocking her head at Helaena. "In the woods?" 

"It's coming for Ara." Helaena said confidently. 

''Ser Erryk.'' Otto remarked walking up to him in the gallery sharpening his blade. ''Where's the Prince?''

''Forgive me, Lord Hand. I do not know.'' Erryk admitted rising before him.

''But you're sworn to protect him.'' Oto reminded

''He exploits his authority to order me away, and then he evades me, my Lord." Erryk answered

''I believe he may have left the Keep secretly, gone into the city. Find him.'' Otto instructed and Erryk nodded immediately. 'Take no one else but your brother. And remove your white cloaks. None can know who you are or what you seek... including the Queen."

" My Lord." Erryk agreed

''Bring him to me, and me alone, Ser Erryk.''

"Hey grandfather." Ara remarked as they passed. 

"Hello my lovely." Otto coed kissing her forehead. 

"What's going on?" Aemond questioned. 

"Um... well..." Otto offered them a smile. "I have to go." 

"Is he dead?" Ara called after him. Otto spun around. 

"Have you seen your brother?" Otto countered instead. Ara tipped her head into Aemond. "The other one, dont worry my love, everything is fine." Otto declared as he headed off. 

"That was weird." Ara remarked as he walked off. "Maybe I was wrong... he would tell us right?" 

"I mean I would hope so." Aemond agreed. 

 "I know we should investigate but... Is it terrible that im starving right now and would rather eat then figure out whats going on?" Ara pondered. 

"Lots of left overs from last night." Aemond offered. "we worked up quite the appetite." he added kissing her cheek.  If Viserys was dead, whats dead stayed dead and Ara couldnt change that. So cake and tea it was. 

"He would have told us right?" Ara questioned as she poured the tea. 

"If the king was dead?" Aemond said through a bite of tea cakes. "I dont know why he would hide it from us." 


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"Daeron, honey..." Alicent coed. Ara was not in her room, Aemond was not in his. She had to find them after Helaenas warning but she had to be a good mother to all her children. 

"Sleeping." Daeron grumbled from under the covers. 

"Can I tell you something?" Alicent countered. 


"The king died last night... in his sleep." Alicent remarked and Daeron sat up in bed rubbing at his eyes. 

"Let me guess strangled by veins?" Daeron mused but saw his mothers teary face. "He's gone..." 

"Yes... I'm sorry." Alicent offered as she moved closer, hugging him. 

"I didnt really know him." Daeron reminded her softly. 

"And thats my fault. I never should have sent you away... I'm sorry about that. I wish I had you here." Alicent admitted honestly. 

"Thanks for telling me mum." Daeron whispered and Alicent kissed his forehead. 


"ARA!" Criston declared and she spun around smiling back at him. 

"Hey daddio." she whispered as he hugged her. 

"Honey, I was so worried about you." Criston remarked. 

"What? Why? It's the king. I was right." Ara decided as she glanced back at Aemond. 

"Yes..." Criston agreed confused. "The king passed in his sleep. Wanted Aegon to take... to be the next king." 

"Really?" Aemond questioned incredulously. 

"He told your mother, his last dying wish." Criston agreed. "Come on, both of you, your mother was worried sick about you." Criston led them to Alicent's chambers. 

"Oh, my baby girl!" Alicent declared smushing Ara to her. 

"Can't breathe mama." Ara rasped. "What's really wrong?" 

"Helaena said some... some things that worried me and oh baby." Alicent coed hugging her again. Criston nodded to them as he headed back out. 

"What did Hela say about Ara?" Aemond questioned. 

"There's a beast in the woods." 

"I can handle it." Ara assured her. "I am one with the woods."


''Prince Aegon's not to be found within the castle walls, Your Grace." Criston informed Alicent. "Your father has sent Ser Erryk into the city to find him. Ser Erryk knows Aegon. He has the advantage." Criston remarked and Alicent nodded.

"I trust again to you, Ser Criston, and to your loyalty." Alicent told him and Criston nodded. "Aegon must be found, and he must be brought to me. The very fate of the Seven Kingdoms depends on it." Alicnet instructed. Criston nodded. ''Everything you feel for me... as your Queen." Alicent whispered bringing her face closer to his. Ara awed as she stared back at them. 

"Kiss her daddy." Ara declared and Alicent blushed taking a step back. 

''I will not fail you.'' Criston assured trying to keep the blush from his cheeks.

"I'll come with you." Aemond said getting up.

''That would not be my desire, Aemond.'' Alicent told him honestly. ''If anything has happened...''

''Cole needs me, Mother. Ser Erryk isn't the only one who knows Aegon's doings.'' Aemond reminded her. 

"Me too!" Ara agreed. 

"No." All three of them corrected and Ara plopped back down. 

"Then I guess I will just sit here and be cute." Ara agreed. 

All You Had To Do Was Stay // Aemond Targaryen// Jacaerys VelaryonWhere stories live. Discover now